Pyramids against cancer.

In starting this very important theme, we shall make a slight digression and return to the present day.

All currently-existing esoteric doctrine sadly has a colossal flaw that has led to the premature death of many people fanatically devoted to developing their minds and improving their energy properties by tapping into the "energies of the Cosmos" and putting themselves in special states of consciousness. This negative outcome that leads to the abyss was a consequence of the loss of knowledge about the genetic peculiarities of the human organism. Let us examine the essence of the problem in brief.

Widely known treatises on eastern medicines tell us that any disorder in the organism begins with an imbalance in the flow of Yin-Yang energies. In general, that is correct, but the most important thing – that which determines the choice and effectiveness of methods to correct the disorder – has been overlooked. That most important thing is that the Yin and Yang are two (contrary) components of the flow of time!

When an ancient source speaks of the need to harmonize the Yin-Yang or Ka-Ba (to use the Ancient Egyptian terms), the reference is to the harmonization of these components that influence the speed with which internal biological time flows.

Any disorder in the organism is the result of disruptions of the flows of time in a cell, organ or bodily system in relation to one another, to some general biological clock in the organism and the environment. A proper understanding of this primarily determines the correct choice of means and methods for restoring harmony in such a disorder.

The generally accepted methods of correction commonly used today are not effective, and in a number of instances lead to a negative result because they do not consider the physical factors of time.

Entering into interaction with energies of a higher order, a person engaging in meditation, healing or the development of clairvoyance and other parapsychological abilities becomes a conductor of those energies. The energies gradually reconstruct his or her own energy system. As a result mutations begin to take place at the genetic level that accompany the transition of the energy system to the next evolutionary level.

The problem is that the start of the mutation processes that accompany reconstruction and the formation of a new energy system goes through a phase of spontaneous cell division in the organism. Medicine knows this process as cancer.

As soon as a person, whether through meditation or visiting "places of power" enters an energy flow, this immediately causes a slowing of their inner (biological) time. The effect will be accompanied by a general improvement of condition, increased energy levels, a heightening of extrasensory abilities, occasionally the appearance of clairvoyance or other exceptional skills.

If the person were to remain permanently in the flow, their abilities and longevity would amaze everyone around. But the problem is that as soon as the person comes out of meditation or leaves the place of power (gets out of the flow), it is only a matter of time before the immune system "recoils", a process marked by an abrupt acceleration of the biological time that for many can cause the appearance of atypical cells and the start of an oncological process.

The statistics on how the human organism is affected by the energies with which healers and clairvoyants interact in their practice are very telling. An analysis carried out by specialists from Russia's Academy of National Security produced staggering results. Within 7-10 years of finishing schools of psychic healing around 70% of the graduates who actively and conscientiously engaged in healing practice died of cancer.

In the autumn of 2005 alone, eleven followers of Bronnikov's system for developing clairvoyance (which is actively promoted in Russia and abroad) with around ten years experience had contracted cancer. This applies not only to healers and mentalists, but also to the practising ideologists of spiritual and esoteric schools.

It is shocking to learn that such well known and universally acknowledged authorities as Jiddu Krishnamurti, Romana Maharishi, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, the Mother (Mirra Alfassa), Madame Blavatsky, Helen Roerich, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Vanga, Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), Castaneda and many others also succumbed to cancer. Ignorance of the Law evidently does not free human beings from the requirement to observe it.

The appearance of cancer is the immune system's reaction to the inner reconstruction prompted by interaction with higher-order energies.

Under these circumstances the immune system begins to manifest itself in an unexpected way: reacting to changes in a person's energetics, it launches a "program" of self-destruction for the organism, unless the practices for the development of abilities take into account the genetic peculiarities of the human energy bodies and the Earth.

The energy acquired through practices or through visiting places of power which evokes profound changes in a person's energy structure has to be stabilized and transformed into a kind of energy acceptable to the human organism.

The transformation of the received energy is accomplished through synchronization of the energy system and the flow of time within the person with Earth's energy system and flow of time (more information in the section on Synchronization).

This conserves internal biological time, which expresses itself, for example, in a retardation of ageing processes, degenerative and auto-immune processes. In this way cancer can be avoided.

It was to accomplish this exceptionally important task that the Neferu encouraged the ancient priests to construct and use smooth-sided pyramids and the «
Wands of Horus», since it was highly unlikely that earthlings would identify these mechanisms empirically (you can read more in Valery Uvarov's book The Wands of Horus, 2004.)

If you are shocked and disoriented by this turn of events, get a grip on yourself. We did warn you that a lot of your ideas would change. If you reflect calmly, you will have to agree that the changes are positive – you are beginning to think in the categories employed by the Neferu and much in our past will become clearer to you.

Let's go back and look how everything developed in that fascinating prehistoric time. Now you understand why the earthlings' contacts with the Neferu were limited. The Neferu's life-support system might have caused a cancer epidemic among the surrounding populace.

This could well have provoked a wave of negative emotion towards the "gods" and so the Neferu made their bases in remote, sometimes almost inaccessible places that were known only to a small circle of humans. This was compounded by another factor of no small importance
Pyramids and astral body travel
In starting this very important theme, we shall make a slight digression and return to the present day.

All currently-existing esoteric doctrine sadly has a colossal flaw that has led to the premature death of many people fanatically devoted to developing their minds and improving their energy properties by tapping into the "energies of the Cosmos" and putting themselves in special states of consciousness.

This negative outcome that leads to the abyss was a consequence of the loss of knowledge about the genetic peculiarities of the human organism. Let us examine the essence of the problem in brief.

Widely known treatises on eastern medicines tell us that any disorder in the organism begins with an imbalance in the flow of Yin-Yang energies. In general, that is correct, but the most important thing – which determines the choice and effectiveness of methods to correct the disorder – has been overlooked. That most important thing is that the Yin and Yang are two (contrary) components of the flow of time!

When an ancient source speaks of the need to harmonize the Yin-Yang or Ka-Ba (to use the Ancient Egyptian terms), the reference is to the harmonization of these components that influence the speed with which internal biological time flows.

Any disorder in the organism is the result of disruptions of the flows of time in a cell, organ or bodily system in relation to one another, to some general biological clock in the organism and the environment.

A proper understanding of this primarily determines the correct choice of means and methods for restoring harmony in such a disorder.

The generally accepted methods of correction commonly used today are not effective, and in a number of instances lead to a negative result because they do not consider the physical factors of time.

Entering into interaction with energies of a higher order, a person engaging in meditation, healing or the development of clairvoyance and other parapsychological abilities becomes a conductor of those energies.

The energies gradually reconstruct his or her own energy system. As a result mutations begin to take place at the genetic level that accompany the transition of the energy system to the next evolutionary level.

The problem is that the start of the mutation processes that accompany reconstruction and the formation of a new energy system goes through a phase of spontaneous cell division in the organism. Medicine knows this process as cancer.

As soon as a person, whether through meditation or visiting "places of power" enters an energy flow, this immediately causes a slowing of their inner (biological) time.

The effect will be accompanied by a general improvement of condition, increased energy levels, a heightening of extrasensory abilities, occasionally the appearance of clairvoyance or other exceptional skills.

If the person were to remain permanently in the flow, their abilities and longevity would amaze everyone around. But the problem is that as soon as the person comes out of meditation or leaves the place of power (gets out of the flow), it is only a matter of time before the immune system "recoils", a process marked by an abrupt acceleration of the biological time that for many can cause the appearance of atypical cells and the start of an oncological process.

healers and clairvoyants interact in their practice
The statistics on how the human organism is affected by the energies with which healers and clairvoyants interact in their practice are very telling. An analysis carried out by specialists from Russia's Academy of National Security produced staggering results. Within 7-10 years of finishing schools of psychic healing around 70% of the graduates who actively and conscientiously engaged in healing practice died of cancer.

In the autumn of 2005 alone, eleven followers of Bronnikov's system for developing clairvoyance (which is actively promoted in Russia and abroad) with around ten years experience had contracted cancer. This applies not only to healers and mentalists, but also to the practising ideologists of spiritual and esoteric schools.

It is shocking to learn that such well known and universally acknowledged authorities as Jiddu Krishnamurti, Romana Maharishi, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, the Mother (Mirra Alfassa), Madame Blavatsky, Helen Roerich, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Vanga, Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), Castaneda and many others also succumbed to cancer. Ignorance of the Law evidently does not free human beings from the requirement to observe it.

The appearance of cancer is the immune system's reaction to the inner reconstruction prompted by interaction with higher-order energies.

Under these circumstances the immune system begins to manifest itself in an unexpected way: reacting to changes in a person's energetics, it launches a "program" of self-destruction for the organism, unless the practices for the development of abilities take into account the genetic peculiarities of the human energy bodies and the Earth.

The energy acquired through practices or through visiting places of power which evokes profound changes in a person's energy structure has to be stabilized and transformed into a kind of energy acceptable to the human organism.

The transformation of the received energy is accomplished through synchronization of the energy system and the flow of time within the person with Earth's energy system and flow of time (more information in the section on Synchronization).

This conserves internal biological time, which expresses itself, for example, in a retardation of ageing processes, degenerative and auto-immune processes. In this way cancer can be avoided.

It was to accomplish this exceptionally important task that the Neferu encouraged the ancient priests to construct and use smooth-sided pyramids and the «Wands of Horus», since it was highly unlikely that earthlings would identify these mechanisms empirically (you can read more in Valery Uvarov's book The Wands of Horus, 2004.)

If you are shocked and disoriented by this turn of events, get a grip on yourself. We did warn you that a lot of your ideas would change.

If you reflect calmly, you will have to agree that the changes are positive – you are beginning to think in the categories employed by the Neferu and much in our past will become clearer to you.

Let's go back and look how everything developed in that fascinating prehistoric time. Now you understand why the earthlings' contacts with the Neferu were limited. The Neferu's life-support system might have caused a cancer epidemic among the surrounding populace.

This could well have provoked a wave of negative emotion towards the "gods" and so the Neferu made their bases in remote, sometimes almost inaccessible places that were known only to a small circle of humans. This was compounded by another factor of no small importance
Contact us
If you decide to build a pyramid or an office in the shape of a pyramid, here you are on the right track. Write or call, and together we will create something truly remarkable, something that will surely change the quality of your life for the better
+7 901 301 81 07
+7 964 333 29 36
Moskovsky pr. 78-2, St.Petersburg, Russia
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Unfortunately, it has to be noted that in referring to "esoteric knowledge", many authors lead their readers astray.
The very word "esoteric" means secret, that is to say concealed from the majority of people and requiring particular understanding due to its profound meaning and the impossibility of expressing it in words. But if authors shout about this esoteric knowledge from the rooftops and regularly mention it in their books, then the knowledge in question is no longer "esoteric", but rather "exoteric" (not a secret, intended for the uninitiated) – and the two concepts should not be confused.
Unfortunately, it has to be noted that in referring to "esoteric knowledge", many authors lead their readers astray.

The very word "esoteric" means secret, that is to say concealed from the majority of people and requiring particular understanding due to its profound meaning and the impossibility of expressing it in words.

But if authors shout about this esoteric knowledge from the rooftops and regularly mention it in their books, then the knowledge in question is no longer "esoteric", but rather "exoteric" (not a secret, intended for the uninitiated) – and the two concepts should not be confused.