Let us examine the construction of the pyramids that performed the role of antennas.

One of the types of pyramid that belonged to the global communications system had a stepped shape.

Such pyramids were made from metal and had an overall telescopic structure, with the steps moving up and down, in and out, something like a camera lens.

A reconstruction of the Babylonian ziggurat of the god Marduk

The ability to regulate the height of the steps made it possible to attune the pyramid to one person then to another.

In the upper surface of the highest step there was a "fine-focus lens", that in the later masonry ziggurats degenerated into a lenticular protuberance on the top.

The "fine-focus lens" on the top stage of antenna pyramids.

The tuning of such a pyramid was based on a certain individual parameter of the intended recipient (their distinctive biological frequency) through which it was possible to unerringly reach the required Neferu or human being.

The principle of adjusting the parameters of the ziggurat according to the chakras (according to the distances between them) in strict accordance with the principle of "Anthroposimilarity".

The entire structure of the pyramid should be arranged in the same way as a person and his energy structure.

The communication between Neferu or between Neferu and human took place in the form of mental images with the aid of telepathy.

It was this kind of pyramid that became the prototype of the Sumerian ziggurats and, to some extent, the Mayan pyramids.

You will learn later what principles were embodied in the pyramids, but for now we shall examine one more very important quality of the pyramid – the influence that stimulates supernatural abilities and prevents cancer. Pyramids with these properties had smooth faces and were the most widespread type (see Second Stimulus).
A reconstruction of the Babylonian ziggurat of the god Marduk
A reconstruction of the Babylonian ziggurat of the god Marduk
Let us examine the construction of the pyramids that performed the role of antennas.

One of the types of pyramid that belonged to the global communications system had a stepped shape.

Such pyramids were made from metal and had an overall telescopic structure, with the steps moving up and down, in and out, something like a camera lens.
A reconstruction of the Babylonian ziggurat of the god Marduk
A reconstruction of the Babylonian ziggurat of the god Marduk
The ability to regulate the height of the steps made it possible to attune the pyramid to one person then to another. In the upper surface of the highest step there was a "fine-focus lens", that in the later masonry ziggurats degenerated into a lenticular protuberance on the top.
Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan
The "fine-focus lens" on the top stage of antenna pyramids
The tuning of such a pyramid was based on a certain individual parameter of the intended recipient (their distinctive biological frequency) through which it was possible to unerringly reach the required Neferu or human being.

The communication between Neferu or between Neferu and human took place in the form of mental images with the aid of telepathy.

It was this kind of pyramid that became the prototype of the Sumerian ziggurats and, to some extent, the Mayan pyramids.

Babylonian ziggurat of the god Marduk (tuning)
The principle of adjusting the parameters of the ziggurat according to the chakras (according to the distances between them) in strict accordance with the principle of "Anthroposimilarity". The entire structure of the pyramid should be arranged in the same way as a person and his energy structure
You will learn later what principles were embodied in the pyramids, but for now we shall examine one more very important quality of the pyramid – the influence that stimulates supernatural abilities and prevents cancer.

Pyramids with these properties had smooth faces and were the most widespread type (see Second Stimulus).

1. The memory, lost over the centuries, that the ancient Sumerian ziggurats were metallic structures was preserved in a few texts. In his book Architecture, Mysticism and Myth, in which he tells of the Borsippa ziggurat restored in the time of Nebuchadnezzar, William Lethaby translates the inscription that survives on it in this way:

"I restored and brought to perfection the wonder of Borsippa, the temple of the seven spheres of the world. I erected it in brick and covered it with copper."

1. The memory, lost over the centuries, that the ancient Sumerian ziggurats were metallic structures was preserved in a few texts. In his book Architecture, Mysticism and Myth, in which he tells of the Borsippa ziggurat restored in the time of Nebuchadnezzar, William Lethaby translates the inscription that survives on it in this way:

"I restored and brought to perfection the wonder of Borsippa, the temple of the seven spheres of the world. I erected it in brick and covered it with copper."

2. The capacity of a pyramid field to have a regenerative influence on dead tissue was indicated by the experiments of the cabbalist Enela, whose real name was Mikhail Vladimirovich Sariatin (1883–1963). He was one of the first to conduct researches in Egypt and came to the conclusion that the pyramid heals tissues damaged by cancer.

2. The capacity of a pyramid field to have a regenerative influence on dead tissue was indicated by the experiments of the cabbalist Enela, whose real name was Mikhail Vladimirovich Sariatin (1883–1963).

He was one of the first to conduct researches in Egypt and came to the conclusion that the pyramid heals tissues damaged by cancer.

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