Before we briefly review the main stages that the bearers of knowledge had to go through after the terrible catastrophe, we shall make a small, but very important digression. There are two reasons for doing so. The first is a desire to cast light on one of the most significant and mysterious chapters of our past – the great land of Hyperborea.

Many thousands of years ago it was lost from the map of history, becoming a phantom and the unattainable dream of researchers and travelers.

Its mysterious power drew many but there were few who comprehended the spiritual magnetism that attracted those who sought the ancient cradle of humanity, as if they all experienced an irresistible urge to find the land in which they pent their childhood and which was trodden by their great ancestors.

Russian bylinas (epic poems), the Indian Rigveda, the Iranian Avesta, Chinese and Tibetan historical chronicles, German epic poetry, Celtic and Scandinavian mythology all describe a very ancient northern land, a near-paradise, in which a Golden Age prevailed.

That land was settled in ancient times by glorious people – the children of the "gods". Those among us today who are related to them carry a special gene, a special spiritual force – the Khvarno – which once it has been reborn like the fabled Phoenix, while play a saving and turning-point role in the fate of civilization.

Those few who felt this call sought the legendary Hyperborea, the "Happy Isle, where from the dawn of life on Earth the Fountain of Life flows", in order to get in touch with it, to awaken in themselves the ancient Khvarno, but time long and strictly preserved the secret.

The discovery of Hyperborea is not only the key to nations recognizing their special spiritual and genetic kinship. It is a step towards the great spiritual reunion after millennia of separation and a second reason to accomplish that which our distant ancestors strove to achieve.

In its profound content this material is dedicated to all the researchers who have attempted irrespective of the difficulty to restore historical justice, preserving for posterity the memory of Hyperborea – the Arctic ancestral homeland of our civilization.

Thousands of years ago great Atlantis was swallowed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Many researchers believe that the same lot befell Hyperborea and that it now rests at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. But ancient Tibetan tradition says that:

«The White Island is the only place that escaped the general fate of all the continents after the catastrophe. It cannot be destroyed by either water or fire, because it is the Eternal Land».

Amazingly Tibet has not only preserved the memory of Hyperborea, it is also the starting point of a path that leads to its heart, to the world's greatest sacred centre, to the Great Pyramid of Meru and its surrounding dolmens and pyramids.

In order to see the "path" leading there we need to use the directions of the Ancients and Mercator's map, published by Joost de Hondt - d'Hondt in 1606.

Gerhard Mercator's map,
published by Joost de Hondt - d'Hondt
in 1606.

Many cartographers have tried to solve the mystery of that map. Scholars encountered insuperable difficulties to understanding it, because in creating it Mercator employed three different sources – three separate maps produced by different cartographers using different projections and with different degrees of precision.

But the main peculiarity that researchers failed to spot and that Mercator himself did not take into account when making his map is that the source maps depicted the area of the Arctic Basin at different periods in the Earth's geological history – showing the contours of Hyperborea and the surrounding continents either before the flood and the shift of the planet's axis or afterwards.

As a result confusion reigns in Mercator's map, a confusion that scholars have not been able to resolve, leaving us to look for the answers ourselves. Before we do so, let us start with the main thing.

Numerous ancient sources testify that Hyperborea was located at the North Pole. Among the others, the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata tells us:

«In the north of the Milky Sea (the Arctic Ocean) there is a large island known by the name Svetadvip – a land of the blessed. There is the navel, the centre of the world around which the Sun, Moon and stars rotate»

Following the common opinion, Mercator placed Hyperborea at the North Pole, not suspecting that due to the catastrophe by 11000 B.C. the angle of the Earth's axis of the rotation and the northern geographical pole had shifted.

Nobody has carried out on this score. Practically nothing has been written about the consequences and so we have to work things out for ourselves. Now we shall try to discover which way the Earth's axis shifted and by how much.

To do this, let us recall that all the pyramids built before the flood were oriented to the North Pole to Meru.

The great pyramid of the Atlanteans looked with its northern face northward to the southern edge of Meru. But Atlantis is hidden beneath the waters of the ocean. On the other hand, Kailas in Tibet has survived.

For convenience let us view Kailas from above with the aid of aerial photography. This picture was taken from a height of over 20,000 metres and its sides are strictly aligned with the present day points of the compass. The central arrow shows the direction of today's North Pole.

View of Kailas from above
(20 km)

Note the plane of the north wall of Kailas. It does not face north, but is turned 15º towards the west. But if we accept that in ancient times this wall faced Meru, then we need to draw a line perpendicular to this "reflector" and extend it northwards to see where it takes us. This has been done in the picture below.

After covering a distance of over 7000 kilometres we come to Greenland (the Great White Island).

Kailas - orientation to Meru (Greenland),
an antediluvian North Pole of the Earth

Now in order to pin down the location of the ancient pole, we need a second bearing from some edifice in the western hemisphere that was oriented on the sacred centre of the world in ancient times. Then the place where they intersect will point us to the right area.

Fortunately Kailas is not the only object connected with Meru that still exists. Another structure oriented upon it (in accordance with the ancient canon) is the Maya pyramid complex – the "City of the Gods", Teotihuacan.

On this photograph, taken from a height of over five kilometres we can see that the central "avenue" of Teotihuacan, that the Aztecs out of ignorance called the Road of the Dead, deviates 15º east from due north. In the builders' conception the "avenue" running through the whole complex to the Pyramid of the Earth (Moon), showed the direction to Meru – the planet's chief pyramid. It is no coincidence that the "City of the Gods" was called "the dwelling place of those who know the way to the gods".

Teotihuacan from a height of 5470 metres.
Orientation to the Northern Pole before flood

Extrapolating the "avenue" that begins by the Kukulkan pyramid in a northerly direction, we become witnesses to a discovery that puts everything in its place. This avenue leads us straight to the great "White Island" and Meru.

Beautifully neat, isn't it?

The orientation of Kailas
and Teotihuacan on Meru

Teotihuacan (the City of the Gods) is not the only pyramid complex to retain an orientation on the old North Pole and the Earth's chief pyramid – Meru.

Among the edifices built in accordance with the canon of the "First Time" are some of the Great and small pyramids of China.

The complex of pyramids by the Yalip pyramid, one of the three Great Pyramids of China, has like the Teotihuacan complex a general orientation on the old North Pole.

The two Great Chinese Pyramids
Xiyan 6 (left) and Xiyan 7 (right)
are also orientated on Meru.

The angle of variation between the faces of the Chinese pyramids built according to the Canon and the bearing to the present-day North Pole is around 7 degrees.

Thus, the three bearings – Teotihuacan's "road to the gods", Chinese pyramids and the perpendicular of the northern face of Mount Kailas cross on the territory of Greenland, indicating not only the place where the North Pole once was.

This is the heart of Hyperborea – the ancient sacred centre of the world, on which were oriented all pyramids, built according to ancient (antediluvian) Canon.

The orientation of Kailas,
Teotihuacan and pyramids
of China on Meru

Orientation of trihedral
Koyp pyramid to Meru.

Koyp pyramid
in Russia.

Trihedral Rtanj pyramid in Serbia.

Orientation of trihedral Rtanj pyramid reflector in Serbia to Meru pyramid.

Koh Ker pyramid in

Orientation of Koh-Ker pyramid
to Meru pyramid.

Orientation of the pyramids built according to ancient (antediluvian) Canon to Meru pyramid.

In this context, it is also worth recalling Kuiva – the "flying man" an ancient rock image on the north-west shore of Lake Seydozero.

In deep antiquity this was the site of the Hyperborean Tilmun, where priests who survived the flood founded a religious settlement.

Sami deity Kuiva - "Flying Man." A rocky image on the shore of Seydozer.

If you stand right in front of the image and look at the "flying man" , then your gaze is directed straight at Meru and the surface bearing the image is perpendicular to this bearing.

Shortly before the flood before the great catastrophe in the solar system, at the end of the War of the Gods, the Neferu departed hastily in that direction, abandoning their bases on Earth.
Direction to Meru (pyramid) perpendicular to the wall with depiction of "flying man"
near Seydozero (Seydyavr)

Now, using the same method in reverse, we shall determine the location of the smallish island in the Atlantic Ocean that in ancient times was the site of the Great Pyramid of the Atlanteans.

To do so we draw a straight line directly south from Meru (perpendicular to the Kailas–Meru line, as shown in picture.).

Incidentally, on Hajji Ahmed's map and other ancient maps, this line was the prime meridian. Then we take another bearing from the western face of Mount Kailas westwards until it intersects with this prime meridian (the line from Meru to the Atlantean pyramid).

It is in this region that we should search for the legendary pyramid of Atlantis.

This spot is the centre of symmetry in Hajji Ahmed's map, showing that the co-ordinates of the Atlantean pyramid served as a "bench mark" for the cartographers of ancient Atlantis, whose maps that survived the flood were kept in the Library of Alexandria and later were removed by the Turks to Constantinople.
Northern face (reflector) of Kailas
(in shadow) is turned towards Meru.

The western reflector is lit by
the setting sun.

Now let us examine the peculiarities of Mercator's mysterious 1606 map.

In order to understand all its oddities, we need to compare it with modern relief maps of the Arctic seabed.

To begin with, we restore historical justice and shift Mercator's Hyperborea to the site of the North Pole before the flood.

Displacement of the
North Pole and the
axis of rotation of the
Earth to the South

As you can see, Hyperborea is a good match for Greenland and the northern part of America.

The waterway running southwards from the centre of Hyperborea precisely fits the section of coastline on the west side of Greenland in the area of Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait. The mouth of this river emerges precisely in a bay of the Labrador Sea.

The fact that the river once flowed in this place is also confirmed by the map of the relief of the seabed compiled by Heezen, Tharp, Ewing in 1959.

On it, at the bottom of the Labrador Sea, the channel of the river, originating in the vicinity of the pyramid of Meru, is clearly visible.

The waterway running eastwards ends in the estuary of rivers entering fjords in the area of King Christian X Land between Cape Nordostrundingen and Traill Island.

The mouths of the river carrying water northwards across Hyperborea enters exactly a bay of the Lincoln Sea.

Let us now turn our attention to the north-east coastline of Mercator's Hyperborea.

On the modern map of Greenland, this place corresponds to Cape Nordostrundingen, which is circled in the picture.

On this part of Mercator's map Hyperborea almost touches a continent that he labelled "ASIAE PARS" (a part of Asia).

On the modern map of the seabed, the shape of this continent precisely corresponds to the lines of the north of the Eurasian plateau that is now beneath the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

Take a good look: here Mercator's map very precisely describes the relief of the seabed, indicating what enormous expanses of land lay to the north of Siberia before the flood.

Cape Nordostrundingen

In the opinion of some Russian scholars, this part of Siberia disappeared under water only 2,500 years ago.

Marine geologists reckon that this sector of the continental shelf was dry land between 18,000 – 8,000 years ago.

There is also a school of thought that this area was land only in much earlier times. If we adopt the last point of view, then we are confronted with a unique situation. In this event the existence of an ancient highly-advanced civilization that mapped this area in the remote prehistoric past becomes obvious and provides the only possible explanation for the accuracy of Mercator's map in this area.

If it was not some ancient highly-advanced civilization, then who did map so precisely an area of land that became submerged, some specialists believe, hundreds of thousands of years ago?

Of the enormous territory at the north of the Eurasian plateau that was once dry land today all that remains above water is Spitsbergen, Franz-Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya and the New Siberian Islands.

They are visible because once all those islands were mountainous elevations on the north of the Eurasian plateau.

Mountainous elevations on the
north of the Eurasian plateau

On Mercator's map a landmass dissected by mighty rivers is depicted in this place – the north of Siberia (before the flood), evidently copied from a map of antediluvian origin.

It is remarkable that on modern maps showing the seabed relief in this region one can clearly see the channels of almost all the great Siberian rivers running northwards (as troughs in the underwater shelf) for almost a thousand kilometres beyond the present coastline.
The channels of the great Siberian rivers on a maps of the seabed
of the Arctic Ocean

The attempt to reconcile the information on the first (antediluvian) map of the Arctic Basin with what was depicted on the second (postdiluvian) map led to Mercator placing Novaya Zemlya, Spitsbergen, the Kola peninsula and adjoining areas 1,850 kilometres (around 1,150 miles) west of their true positions.

A comparison of Mercator's
map with a modern relief
map of the Arctic Basin

Comparative map of errors
and dislocations on the
Mercator 1606 map
according to
Valery Uvarov.

Iceland and the later submerged island of Ogigia copied from the pre-flood source ended up between Spitsbergen and Novaya Zemlya, i.e. 15º (the angle of the shift of the Earth's axis) east of their true positions.

Comparative map of errors
and dislocations on the
Mercator 1606 map
according to
Valery Uvarov.

Due to his ignorance of the geological history of the Earth, Mercator depicted on his map one and the same region of the Arctic twice over (before and after the flood) shifted 15º from each other. To be fair it should be stated that such slips can be found on other old maps, such as the portulan of Piri Reis.

The large island depicted to the south of Hyperborea is not Greenland as some researchers believe, along with Mercator himself.

It is the Labrador Peninsula. The difficulty in identifying this "island" is due to the fact that it migrated to Mercator's map from a badly distorted version of an ancient antediluvian map that had a different projection and orientation.

The Labrador Peninsula is shown on the map the way its (pre-flood) coastline would have been seen by a cartographer sitting in space above Iceland at a height of around 7,000 kilometres! For comparison look at picture (left), which shows the relief of the seabed in this region from that height.

Comparison of the coastline of the north-eastern part of British America and the
Labrador Peninsula from Mercator's map.

1. Flemish Cap Bank

2. Grand Banks of Newfoundland

3. Cape now under water in the area of the Gulf of Maine

4. Cape now under water in the area between the St. Charles peninsula and bay of Goose Bay

5. Cape and part of the coastline of the former shape of the Labrador Peninsula in the area of Cape Chidley, beyond which the Hudson Strait begins.

Cartographic material of this kind before the flood could only have been obtained using flying machines, advanced technology and the strong mathematical apparatus necessary to produce specific projections (spherical trigonometry).

As we all know, after the flood the mediaeval cartographers had no such knowledge or technology.

All the details examined above illustrate well that we have indeed found Hyperborea. Mercator's map that provides the starting point for our research was compiled from several component maps on which certain islands, large landmasses and even whole continents were displaced in respect to each other and to their own correct location.

The cause of such discrepancy is the change in the angle of the Earth's axis after the asteroid impact.

Universal amnesia regarding some of the most important events in the history of the Earth led to a few surviving maps drawn before the flood being used by seafarers in combination with other created afterwards.

Quite often the result was that, navigating by the stars and old maps, seafarers missed their intended destination. It is known that Columbus used one such map on his famous voyage.

Checking his ships' course against the ancient map, he believed that he was on the point of striking land, but failed to find it where he reckoned it was.

In his search, he had to sail on for almost 1,000 miles more, running the serious risk of mutiny.

At last, he made a landfall on San Salvador, or some nearby island. In his book The Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Charles Hapgood writes.

Now, if you look at San Salvador on our map and not its longitude on the main grid, you will see that it lies West of the 60th meridian on that grid instead of 74¼ degrees West Longitude where it actually should be.

But if you swing the map around and find the longitude of the island on the special Caribbean grid, it turns out to be 80.5 degrees West.

The trouble that Columbus ran into may now be understood. His error in not understanding the map he had may have led to a mistake of about 14 degrees or about 840 miles in his estimates of the distance across the Atlantic, and thus nearly caused the failure of the expedition.

The shift in the Earth's axis due to the asteroid strike took place in a south-west direction, since "the sky shifted northwards", which inevitably led to the alteration of co-ordinate values, particularly those relating to latitude.

It is no coincidence that Admiral Morrison, who studied documents of Christopher Columbus's first voyage, observed:

On the night of Nov. 2 (1492) two days before the full moon, he endeavored to establish his position by taking the altitude of the North Star with his wooden quadrant.

After applying the slight correction, he decided that Puerto Gibara, actually in Lat 21 degrees 06' N, was in 42 degrees N, the Latitude of Cape Cod (140:258)
Today, thanks to the advances in science and technology it is possible to obtain a map of any section of the globe that reflects reality with a high degree of precision.

The discrepancies of the ancient maps no longer cause us the problems that are indirect evidence of the fall of the asteroid and shift of the Earth's axis.

Nevertheless, the fact of the catastrophe and its consequences for the future of humanity are still overlooked in, for example, astrology, as a result of which the practically useful knowledge of the interaction between the cosmos and the human being has lost its true power.

This is because as a result of the asteroid impact 13,669 years ago the Earth made a "jump in time".

This jump influenced not only the astrological clock, which began telling a different time, but also the planetary energy clock that sets the vital rhythm for all living things on Earth.

Thousands of years have passed, but the world's astrologers have still not checked the clock they use in their predictions and horoscopes against the astronomical clock of cosmic rhythms, unwittingly deluding both themselves and their public.

In order to prove this, we shall reconstruct the picture of the consequences of the tragedy from ancient texts that tell us that as a result of the asteroid impact:
…the whole world turned upside down and the stars fell from the sky.

This happened because a huge planet fell upon the Earth… at that moment 'the heart of the Lion reached the first minute of the head of the Crab'

The Sphinx looking at the rising Sun.

In order to understand what lies behind these words, let us recall to mind some of the foundations of the knowledge of our ancestors.

From ancient times there existed only one science with the aid of which it was possible to convey across millennia with a high degree of precision information about the most important events and dates in the Earth's history.

That science is astronomy. To be dated precisely, an event should be "pinned" to the position of the stars and the sunrise.

The role of instrument for such "pinning" was played by special constructions: observatories using the horizon, megaliths, obelisks, pyramids or the Great Sphinx at Giza, which are oriented precisely on the cardinal compass points.

According to its builders' concept, the Sphinx was an astronomical marker to which end its body pointed precisely due east, to the point where the Sun rose on the horizon at the spring equinox.

The ancient astronomers devoted their main attention to the sign of the Zodiac that determined the "astrological age" – the one that appeared over the horizon just before sunrise on the day of the spring equinox.

This "heliacal" constellation marked the Sun's "place of rest". It was referred to as "the Bearer of the Sun" and also the main "pillar" of heaven.

The position of the Sun on that day was considered the pointer of the "clock" of precession (oscillation) of the Earth's axis, which determined the height of the stars and constellations, something that slowly but surely changes in respect of the point of the equinoctial sunrise on the horizon.

Precession means that this point gradually shifts from one constellation (sign of the Zodiac) to another, passing eventually though all twelve signs.

Now we need to recall that the succession of signs of the Zodiac in the Great Celestial Circle over a period of 25,920 years takes place in anticlockwise order. That is to say, if you continually observe the position of the rising sun at the equinox against the background of the constellations you get the impression that the constellations are moving all together along the line of the ecliptic (the path of the Sun) in an anticlockwise direction, dropping one after another below the horizon.

Judging from the ancient text cited above and the corresponding image in the Dendera Zodiac, 13,669 years ago, in the year of the catastrophe, the Sun rose at the spring equinox in the first minute of the "Head of the Crab". That means that the disaster took place when the Sun was between Leo and Cancer.

Part of a modern star chart with
the Zodiacal constellations of Leo,
Cancer and Gemini marked.

Since the text of the miraculously surviving warning of the coming catastrophe was received by the priests of Atlantis, the date on it was naturally linked to the horizon by which the Atlantean priests "set their clock", observing the sunrise from their country, most probably from the island that was the location of their main pyramid.

So, when reconstructing what happened, we take that factor into account, as well as the fact that the North Pole was located at Mount Meru.

Accordingly, due to the displacement of the gridlines, East will also be shifted by a 15˚ turn.

To make things clearer, we have reproduced this astronomical situation in the picture below.

Like a computer screen, this image carries us through time and space to a spot a few dozen kilometres above the Earth in an area south of the main archipelago of Atlantis.

In front of us is the island that is the location of their main communications centre – the great pyramid of the Atlanteans.

The arrow points from there eastwards to the place where the Sun rises at the equinox and the sky beyond. This arrow points to the "first minute of the first degree of the head of the Crab".

That is how the sky and stars looked on the day of the catastrophe. Now imagine off to the left, from the direction of northern Siberia across northern Europe and then to the south of the British Isles (that were then still joined to the continent) a gigantic asteroid comes hurtling south-westwards.

A couple of minutes pass and the planet is shaken by a terrible impact. An ancient text says of this collision:
...the pillar of the sky collapsed. The Earth was shaken to its very foundation.

The sky began falling northward. The Sun, Moon and stars changed their course.

The whole system of the Universe was thrown into disorder. The Sun was eclipsed and the planets changed their tracks…

The impact of the asteroid at an angle to the plane of the Earth's rotation caused the planet's axis of rotation to alter, tipping the North Pole southwards.

At first the pole tipped 20° from its original angle which before the Flood was around 9˚.

With time, under the influence of inertia, the tilt of the axis gradually changed. According to the ancient text after the asteroid impact the Earth partially turned over. Then the points of the compass changed places.

The Sun rose on the western horizon and set in the east. In his History Herodotus wrote:

At that time, so the priests said, the sun rose four times not in its usual place: that is, twice it rose where it now sets and twice it set where it now rises.

This is a direct indication that as a consequence of the asteroid impact the Earth made two complete turns, with the north pole several times taking the place of the south. West became east, and east west.

The terrible impact reduced the Earth's rate of rotation a little, which at first caused colossal tidal waves moving from south-west to north-east in the Atlantic and from north-west to south-east in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, sweeping away everything in their paths.

Meanwhile on the east coast of the continents, the receding water produced the effect of a tremendously low tide. The impression would have been of the ocean draining away.

Water from the coast poured into the drained region, bringing with it sediment and everything that was in the path of the flow.

Direction of the tidal wave movement.

Legends tells us that in China the waters of the sea moved away south-eastwards from the coast.

Naturally, if in one part of the globe there was an enormous tidal wave and the water even reached the peaks of mountains, somewhere on the other side of the ocean there must have been a massive ebb tide.

The impact of the gigantic planetoid directly hitting the Earth's "acupuncture point" caused a series of powerful eruptions from the underwater volcanos located along the transregional tectonic fault lines of the underwater mountain ridges in the middle of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Arctic Oceans.

Transregional tectonic faults of middle mountain ranges of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Arctic oceans

A great mass of water coming into contact with the incandescent lava in the gigantic cracks and rifts that opened up in the ocean floor with an area of thousands square kilometres turned into gas, causing a hydraulic shock of unprecedented strength.

It is enough to remember the scale and depth of the canyons of the Mariana Trench, in order to recognize the scope of the disaster.

With an incredible noise, jets of steam and water mixed with sediment from the seabed soared tens of kilometres into the air. Imagine what the living creatures of a planet that turned into a boiling cauldron must have gone through!

A Chaldean narrative has preserved an account of terrible columns of water that ascended to the very heavens and frightened the gods themselves.

The Aramaic flood legend says that there was a dreadful downpour, huge quantities of water came down upon the earth, the rivers burst their banks and the ocean overflowed.

The Chinese treatise Huai-Nan-Tzu describes this event and the change in the tilt of the Earth's axis in this way:

The celestial vault fractured, the Earthly balance was broken. The sky tilted to the north-west. The Sun and the stars moved. The Earth to the south-east proved hollow and so the water and silt rushed there.

In those distant times the four poles were destroyed [both poles changed its location 2 times]; the nine continents broke apart… fire blazed constantly, the waters raged incessantly.

Then the tilt of the axis and the retarded rotation disrupted the mechanism of precession and "the whole system of the Universe was thrown into disorder."

The priests who kept track of all that took place left a record that the constellations lying along the line of the ecliptic changed the direction of their precessional motion to the opposite. The Ancient Egyptian papyrus asserted that the seasons changed:

"Winter came like summer; the months followed in reverse order and the hours became confused."

Instead of the customary, natural movement anticlockwise in respect of the Sun rising on the horizon, the constellations began to roll up from behind the horizon in clockwise order.

The arrow to the horizon in the picture below pointing to the "the Sun's place of rest" before the fall of the asteroid, in the first minute of the head of Cancer, began slowly to shift backwards (down) into the constellation of Leo.

Precessional (Zodiacal) time began to run backwards.

Reconstruction of the sky in the Giza area.

Some time after the catastrophe the thing mentioned in the warning received by the priests occurred. Astronomically – after rising in the first minute of the head of the Crab in the year of the catastrophe, the position of subsequent sunrises began to move backwards relative to the line of the ecliptic, entering the "heart of the Lion".

In terms of the Zodiac, moving anticlockwise, "the first minute of the head of the Crab entered the heart of the Lion". This movement is also confirmed by the Dendera Zodiac, in which Cancer has changed its position on the line of the ecliptic, shifting backwards towards Leo.

Pic. 49
Dendera Zodiac

The zodiacal event described in the ancient papyrus did not take place immediately. "The backward course of zodiacal time" lasted until the force of inertia and "external interference" led to the acceleration of the Earth's rotation, and the precessional mechanism began to work in the usual fashion. The hiccup in the precessional mechanism and the first, most critical phase of instability in the Earth's parameters lasted several hundred years. In the course of this period, the tilt of the planet's axis, that soon after the impact of the asteroid had been 20˚ from its original value, gradually diminished, but not all the way back to its former position. Eventually the Earth's geographic North Pole ended up displaced by 15˚.

Only 1153 years after the terrible catastrophe, when the planet had already been in a relatively stable state for a few hundred years, did the descendants of the priests, who had left Atlantis and settled in the Mediterranean basin, complete the highly difficult task of revising the basic data on cyclicality and precessional rhythms.

Judging by the time scale of the Dendera Zodiac the work was completed sometime around 10512–10500 B.C.

In the beginning, using knowledge that had once been received from the Neferu the priests erected an array of obelisks with adjoining temple complexes certain distances apart. Then, observing the passage of the stars above the obelisks at night and studying the shadows they cast by day, the priests made the necessary astronomical calculations. With the aid of this primitive, yet highly effective system, the priests obtained data on the length of the new precessional cycle, which after the asteroid impact and the shift in the Earth's axis had length of approximately 25,920 years. Before the catastrophe, the tilt of the axis was around 9˚ and consequently the precessional cycle was shorter.
Knowledge of the precessional cycle was vital to the priests. It made it possible to carry out the calculations needed to produce a calendar and to create a system of measures that would go on to form the basis of the Ancient Egyptian Canon which generations of priests used in the planning and construction of edifices attuned to the main energy rhythms of the Earth and cosmos.

Work of this kind to re-evaluate cyclicality was carried out not only in Egypt, but also in China where, an ancient text tells us, the emperor sent out messengers to the four corners of the darkened world, so as to re-establish the location of north, south, east and west and compile a new calendar.

Despite the fact that 12,515 years ago the Atlantean priests carried out a synchronization of earthly and astronomical clocks and left records of this, astrologers to this day ignore the corrections made back then and continue to base their calculations on a cosmo-planetary cyclicality that was critically changed by the fateful asteroid impact 13,669 years ago (counting back from 2016 A.D.).

In order to shed light on events and, comparing them in passing with the astrological chronography, we turn again to the depictions of the Zodiac, of which there were several in the Ancient Egyptian temple at Dendera.

Thanks to their well-developed astronomy, the system of calendars in Ancient Egypt was superbly worked out. The calendar and time-scale of the Dendera Zodiacs was based on more ancient texts and prolonged astronomical observation. To correctly understand the records of prehistoric events let us examine the time-scale of the circular Dendera Zodiac.

The scale in the outer circle of the Zodiac is made up of figures known as Decans. These are time. The Decans are walking in an anticlockwise direction. This indicates that they are not annual Decans, but the Decans of the Great Celestial Circle, the length of which in the Dendera Zodiac is not constant. This is natural as before the asteroid impact and the change in the tilt of the Earth's axis there was one precessional cycle, afterwards another. Thus, the density or concentration of the stepping Decans before the arrow A (in Cancer) differs from that after the catastrophe, in the sector between arrows B and C.

Before examining the peculiarities of the timescale on the Dendera Zodiac, we remind you once again that after the catastrophe one Great Celestial Circle (precessional cycle) became equal to 25920 years. The Zodiacal Age (the length of time the Sun is in each of the twelve constellations) is equal to 2160 years and is made up of three Decans, each of 720 years (judging by the Dendera Zodiac this is not an indisputable fact, but it is traditionally taken to be so).

The position of the Sun today is marked on the dial of the Dendera Zodiac by the arrow C. This is Decan N18. The moment of the catastrophe is shown by arrow A, which marks the zone on the line of the ecliptic where the first minute of the first degree of the head of the Crab was at the moment of the catastrophe (the Sun on the cusp of Cancer). The event and the order in which things happened are reflected in the Zodiac in the following way.

Moving through the constellations anticlockwise along the line of the ecliptic, the sunrise at the spring equinox in the year of the catastrophe took place in the first minute of the first degree of the head of the Crab. Arrow A, showing this date on the zodiacal clock, touches the first minute of the first degree of the circle in the zone where the head of the Crab should be on the line of the ecliptic. At that moment the disaster took place which led to Cancer making an unnatural shift backwards and upwards, occupying a place above the head of Leo. The asteroid impact disrupted the precessional mechanism and reversed zodiacal time. The hand of our zodiacal clock moved two Decans back to point B and stopped where "the Heart of the Lion entered the first minute of the head of the Crab", or more accurately the first minute of the head of the Crab entered the Heart of the lion (by right ascension). From that moment the precessional clock resumed its accustomed (anticlockwise) movement.

In order to get an idea of the duration of the "wrinkle in time" during which the Sun twice passed through the area of Leo and Cancer, we turn to the rectangular or linear Dendera Zodiac, part of which is reproduced in picture below (The linear Dendera Zodiac).

The symbolism of the linear Zodiac differs somewhat from that of the round one because the circular Zodiac reflects the situation in astrological time, the linear one reflects it in physical time, which always moves forwards.

In the left and right halves of the linear Zodiac the Decans (time) sail in boats along the body of the goddess Nut, who symbolizes cosmic space. Each boat should contain one Decan if they reflect the normal course of events. Let us begin by looking at the left-hand side. The direction of the Decans movement – top to bottom on the left, then moving over to the right, expresses anticlockwise motion as on the round Zodiac.

Beneath the constellation of Leo Decans 1 and 2 are depicted, each in its own boat. Everything is proceeding normally. Then Nut gives birth to the Scarab (Cancer). Time shifts to the right half. The two halves are the symbolic division of the scale of time (history) into two parts: the left before the flood, the right after (the birth of a new time).

In the second half, in the sector of the new-born Scarab (Cancer), at first a little boat floats along the body of Nut containing a Cobra-Decan standing on a lotus (3), but ahead of it are three figures together in a single boat (4). Here is the overlap. This section is marked by the circle.

Three Decans in one boat is an indication of an exceptional event, when three Decans were crammed into the time span of one. Three Decans ended up in one boat because after the catastrophe the Sun recoiled zodiacally two Decans backwards and then resumed its normal motion along the line of the ecliptic through the Decan (1), making a total of three. In other words, in the time allotted to one Decan the Sun passed through three Decans in the sky, which accords with what is shown on the circular Dendera Zodiac.

Combining the testimony of both Zodiacs, it is possible to state with assurance that the entire course of the event in zodiacal terms was as follows: the Earth passed through the Age of Leo and entered the Age of Cancer, spending the first minute of the first degree there, that is to say, one shortened Decan. Therefore, the boat in which the Cobra sits is a small one. And then comes the catastrophe. In terms of the zodiac the Earth makes a "leap in time" recoiling backwards into the Age of Leo. Then, passing once more through the zone from the heart of the Lion to the Crab, the Earth returned to the place where it had been at the moment of catastrophe. Thus, the Earth went through part of the Age of Leo and the initial Decan of the Age of Cancer twice.

The little Decan (3) after which comes the boat with three Decans (4) indicates that the period from the catastrophe and "the breakdown of the precessional mechanism" or "recoil of zodiacal time" to the restoration of the mechanism of precession was brief in comparison with the normal course of zodiacal time in which three Decans of 720 years are equal to an Age of 2,160 years. In the framework of physical time it all took place in the course of a single Decan.

Let us return to the circular Dendera Zodiac. From the point B when, after the restoration of the precessional mechanism, the Sun resumed its normal motion along the line of the ecliptic, if we count off the "new era", just over 18 complete Decans have passed. If we divide the number of years since the catastrophe (13,669) by the duration of a single Decan (720 years) we arrive at a figure of 18,9 Decans. The difference between the timescale in the Dendera Zodiac and simple arithmetic calculation comes to 0.9 Decans. Converting that into years, we get a figure of 648. This means that the "wrinkle in time" (the backward shift of zodiacal time) amounted to something over 600 years.

All these peculiarities with the Decans (in the compilation of the Zodiacs, taking into account the margin of error due to the gradual, almost imperceptible change in the tilt of the Earth's axis) produce the discrepancy of 608 years that exists between modern astronomy and astrology.

Lacking a belief in the profundity of the Ancients' knowledge, neither astronomers nor astrologers have even thought to seek an explanation for this obvious divergence in their views from the Egyptians. Meanwhile Egyptologists, archaeologists and historians are insufficiently versed in the fundamental sciences to, at the very least, properly formulate the question.

In practical terms, the events described above led to the world's zodiacal clock today showing the incorrect time – everything has long since changed. Yet not in a single publication, nor in conversations with professional astrologers will you manage to find out the reason why astrologically the Earth is considered to have already entered the Age of Aquarius. The spring equinox, the event that determines the name of the Age, occurred on 18 March in 2006. On that day the sunrise showed that roughly three-fifths of the distance through the constellation of Pisces had been covered and that the transition of the equinoctial sunrise into the constellation of Aquarius will take place in another 608 years. The International Astronomical Union has designated 2614 as the date the Age of Aquarius will start. It's quite easy to work this out for yourself by looking attentively at the sky and doing a little work with a calculator. Thus, people who travel the ocean of life trusting in the astrologers and astrological charts have found themselves (and will continue to do so) in the same position as Christopher Columbus, trying to find America with an antediluvian map. As you will recall, he missed his intended destination by almost a thousand miles! The same thing awaits those who try to orientate themselves in the confused currents of life using an old astrological chart. In practice, the astrological rhythms of horoscopes do not in any way accord with the real rhythms of cosmo-energetic and cosmo-social cycles; hence astrology exists in an abstract time and so is still not considered a science and exists in a state of discontinuity with reality.

In concluding this section, it is worth noting that the main motive for the conclusion drawn above is not connected with the ethics of astrology. There are things incomparably more important. Astronomers and astrophysicists who study the question of an asteroid threat state that the Earth collides with a substantial cosmic body less than 100 metres across once every hundred years and with one over 100 metres across once every 5000 years. A collision with an asteroid a kilometre across is possible once in 300,000 years. Once in a million years a collision with something over five kilometres across is a possibility.

The surviving ancient chronicles and our research summarized above shows that the real picture is not so optimistic. In the past 16,000 years large asteroids, dozens of kilometres across, have struck the Earth twice: 13,669 years ago (the Azores asteroid) and 2500 years before that (the Pacific asteroid).


Before we briefly review the main stages that the bearers of knowledge had to go through after the terrible catastrophe, we shall make a small, but very important digression. There are two reasons for doing so. The first is a desire to cast light on one of the most significant and mysterious chapters of our past – the great land of Hyperborea. Many thousands of years ago it was lost from the map of history, becoming a phantom and the unattainable dream of researchers and travellers. Its mysterious power drew many but there were few who comprehended the spiritual magnetism that attracted those who sought the ancient cradle of humanity, as if they all experienced an irresistible urge to find the land in which they pent their childhood and which was trodden by their great ancestors.

Russian bylinas (epic poems), the Indian Rigveda, the Iranian Avesta, Chinese and Tibetan historical chronicles, German epic poetry, Celtic and Scandinavian mythology all describe a very ancient northern land, a near-paradise, in which a Golden Age prevailed. That land was settled in ancient times by glorious people – the children of the "gods". Those among us today who are related to them carry a special gene, a special spiritual force – the Khvarno – which once it has been reborn like the fabled Phoenix, while play a saving and turning-point role in the fate of civilization. Those few who felt this call sought the legendary Hyperborea, the "Happy Isle, where from the dawn of life on Earth the Fountain of Life flows", in order to get in touch with it, to awaken in themselves the ancient Khvarno, but time long and strictly preserved the secret.

The discovery of Hyperborea is not only the key to nations recognizing their special spiritual and genetic kinship. It is a step towards the great spiritual reunion after millennia of separation and a second reason to accomplish that which our distant ancestors strove to achieve. In its profound content this material is dedicated to all the researchers who have attempted irrespective of the difficulty to restore historical justice, preserving for posterity the memory of Hyperborea – the Arctic ancestral homeland of our civilization.

Thousands of years ago great Atlantis was swallowed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Many researchers believe that the same lot befell Hyperborea and that it now rests at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. But ancient Tibetan tradition says that:

«The White Island is the only place that escaped the general fate of all the continents after the catastrophe. It cannot be destroyed by either water or fire, because it is the Eternal Land».
Amazingly Tibet has not only preserved the memory of Hyperborea, it is also the starting point of a path that leads to its heart, to the world's greatest sacred centre, to the Great Pyramid of Meru and its surrounding dolmens and pyramids. In order to see the "path" leading there we need to use the directions of the Ancients and Mercator's map, published by Joost de Hondt - d'Hondt in 1606.
Gerhard Mercator's map, published by Joost de Hondt - d'Hondt in 1606.
Many cartographers have tried to solve the mystery of that map. Scholars encountered insuperable difficulties to understanding it, because in creating it Mercator employed three different sources – three separate maps produced by different cartographers using different projections and with different degrees of precision. But the main peculiarity that researchers failed to spot and that Mercator himself did not take into account when making his map is that the source maps depicted the area of the Arctic Basin at different periods in the Earth's geological history – showing the contours of Hyperborea and the surrounding continents either before the flood and the shift of the planet's axis or afterwards. As a result confusion reigns in Mercator's map, a confusion that scholars have not been able to resolve, leaving us to look for the answers ourselves. Before we do so, let us start with the main thing.

Numerous ancient sources testify that Hyperborea was located at the North Pole. Among the others, the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata tells us:

....«In the north of the Milky Sea (the Arctic Ocean) there is a large island known by the name Svetadvip – a land of the blessed. There is the navel, the centre of the world around which the Sun, Moon and stars rotate».
Following the common opinion, Mercator placed Hyperborea at the North Pole, not suspecting that due to the catastrophe by 11000 B.C. the angle of the Earth's axis of the rotation and the northern geographical pole had shifted. Nobody has carried out on this score. Practically nothing has been written about the consequences and so we have to work things out for ourselves. Now we shall try to discover which way the Earth's axis shifted and by how much.

To do this, let us recall that all the pyramids built before the flood were oriented to the North Pole to Meru. The great pyramid of the Atlanteans looked with its northern face northward to the southern edge of Meru. But Atlantis is hidden by the waters of the ocean, but Kailash remained in Tibet. But Atlantis is hidden beneath the waters of the ocean. On the other hand, Kailas in Tibet has survived. For convenience let us view Kailas from above with the aid of aerial photography. This picture was taken from a height of over 20,000 metres and its sides are strictly aligned with the present day points of the compass. The central arrow shows the direction of today's North Pole.

View of Kailas from above
Note the plane of the north wall of Kailas. It does not face north, but is turned 15º towards the west. But if we accept that in ancient times this wall faced Meru, then we need to draw a line perpendicular to this "reflector" and extend it northwards to see where it takes us. This has been done in the picture below.

After covering a distance of over 7000 kilometres we come to Greenland (the Great White Island).

Now in order to pin down the location of the ancient pole, we need a second bearing from some edifice in the western hemisphere that was oriented on the sacred centre of the world in ancient times. Then the place where they intersect will point us to the right area. Fortunately Kailas is not the only object connected with Meru that still exists. Another structure oriented upon it (in accordance with the ancient canon) is the Maya pyramid complex – the "City of the Gods", Teotihuacan.

On this photograph, taken from a height of over five kilometres we can see that the central "avenue" of Teotihuacan, that the Aztecs out of ignorance called the Road of the Dead, deviates 15º east from due north. In the builders' conception the "avenue" running through the whole complex to the Pyramid of the Earth (Moon), showed the direction to Meru – the planet's chief pyramid. It is no coincidence that the "City of the Gods" was called "the dwelling place of those who know the way to the gods".

Teotihuacan from a height of 5470 metres. Orientation to the Northern Pole before flood
Extrapolating the "avenue" that begins by the Kukulkan pyramid in a northerly direction, we become witnesses to a discovery that puts everything in its place. This avenue leads us straight to the great "White Island" and Meru. Beautifully neat, isn't it?
The orientation of Kailas and Teotihuacan on Meru
Teotihuacan (the City of the Gods) is not the only pyramid complex to retain an orientation on the old North Pole and the Earth's chief pyramid – Meru. Among the edifices built in accordance with the canon of the "First Time" are some of the Great and small pyramids of China.
The complex of pyramids by the Yalip pyramid, one of the three Great Pyramids of China, has like the Teotihuacan complex a general orientation on the old North Pole.
The two Great Chinese Pyramids Xiyan 6 (left) and Xiyan 7 (right) are also orientated on Meru.
The angle of variation between the faces of the Chinese pyramids built according to the Canon and the bearing to the present-day North Pole is around 7 degrees.
The orientation of Kailas, Teotihuacan and pyramids of China on Meru
pyramid-reflector Koyp in the Altai
Orientation of the Koyp pyramid in the Altai Territory of Russia to Meru.
pyramid-reflector Koyp in the Altai
Three faces of the trihedral pyramid-reflector Koyp in the Altai Territory of Russia
 Rtanj in Serbia
Orientation of the trihedral pyramid-reflector Rtanj in Serbia to Meru.
 Rtanj in Serbia
Trihedral pyramid-reflector Rtanj in Serbia
Koh Ker pyramid
Orientation of the Koh Ker pyramid in Cambodia to Meru.
Koh Ker pyramid
Koh Ker pyramid
Thus the three bearings – Teotihuacan's "road to the gods", Chinese pyramids and the perpendicular of the northern face of Mount Kailas crossed on the territory of Greenland, indicating not only the place where the North Pole once was.

This is the heart of Hyperborea – the ancient sacred centre of the world, on which were oriented all pyramids, built according to ancient (antediluvian) Canon.

Orientation of the pyramids built according to ancient (antediluvian) Canon to Meru pyramid.
Orientation of the pyramids built according to ancient (antediluvian) Canon to Meru pyramid.
In this context it is also worth recalling Kuiva – the "flying man", an ancient rock painting on the north-west shore of Lake Seydozero.

In deep antiquity this was the site of the Hyperborean Tilmun, where priests who survived the flood founded a religious settlement.

Kuiva, Hyperborea
Sami deity Kuiva - "flying man". Rock image on the shore of the Sejdozero
If you stand right in front of the image and look at the "flying man", then your gaze is directed straight at Meru and the surface bearing the image is perpendicular to this bearing.

Shortly before the flood before the great catastrophe in the solar system, at the end of the "War of the Gods", the Neferu departed hastily in this direction, abandoning their bases on Earth.

Kuiva, Hyperborea
Kuiva, Hyperborea
Direction to Meru (pyramid) perpendicular to the wall with depiction of "flying man"
near Seydozero (Seydyavr)
Now, using the same method in reverse, we shall determine the location of the smallish island in the Atlantic Ocean that in ancient times was the site of the Great Pyramid of the Atlanteans. To do so we draw a straight line directly south from Meru (perpendicular to the Kailas–Meru line). Incidentally, on Hajji Ahmed's map and other ancient maps, this line was the prime meridian. Then we take another bearing from the western face of Mount Kailas westwards until it intersects with this prime meridian (the line from Meru to the Atlantean pyramid). It is in this region that we should search for the legendary pyramid of Atlantis. This spot is the centre of symmetry in Hajji Ahmed's map, showing that the co-ordinates of the Atlantean pyramid served as a "bench mark" for the cartographers of ancient Atlantis, whose maps that survived the flood were kept in the Library of Alexandria and later were removed by the Turks to Constantinople.
Mercator's Hyperborea
Northern face (reflector) of Kailas (in shadow) is turned towards Meru.
The western reflector is lit by the setting sun.
Now let us examine the peculiarities of Mercator's mysterious 1595 map.

In order to understand all its oddities, we need to compare it with modern relief maps of the Arctic seabed.

To begin with, we restore historical justice and shift Mercator's Hyperborea to the site of the North Pole before the flood.

Mercator's Hyperborea
Displacement of the North Pole and the axis of rotation of the Earth to the South
As you can see, Hyperborea is a good match for Greenland and the northern part of America.

The waterway running southwards from the centre of Hyperborea precisely fits the section of coastline on the west side of Greenland in the area of Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait. The mouth of this river emerges precisely in a bay of the Labrador Sea.

The fact that the river once flowed in this place is also confirmed by the map of the relief of the seabed compiled by Heezen, Tharp, Ewing in 1959. On it, at the bottom of the Labrador Sea, the channel of the river, originating in the vicinity of the pyramid of Meru, is clearly visible.
Water tract on the bottom of the Labrador Sea.
The waterway running eastwards ends in the estuary of rivers entering fjords in the area of King Christian X Land between Cape Nordostrundingen and Traill Island. The mouths of the river carrying water northwards across Hyperborea enters exactly a bay of the Lincoln Sea.
Mercator's Hyperborea
Cape Nordostrundingen
Let us now turn our attention to the north-east coastline of Mercator's Hyperborea. On the modern map of Greenland, this place corresponds to Cape Nordostrundingen, which is circled in the picture.

On this part of Mercator's map Hyperborea almost touches a continent that he labelled "ASIAE PARS" (a part of Asia). On the modern map of the seabed, the shape of this continent precisely corresponds to the lines of the north of the Eurasian plateau that is now beneath the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Take a good look: here Mercator's map very precisely describes the relief of the seabed, indicating what enormous expanses of land lay to the north of Siberia before the flood.

Mercator's Hyperborea
Cape Nordostrundingen, Ermak Bank and Ob' Bank
In the opinion of some Russian scholars, this part of Siberia disappeared under water only 2,500 years ago. Marine geologists reckon that this sector of the continental shelf was dry land between 18,000 – 8,000 years ago. There is also a school of thought that this area was land only in much earlier times. If we adopt the last point of view, then we are confronted with a unique situation. In this event the existence of an ancient highly-advanced civilization that mapped this area in the remote prehistoric past becomes obvious and provides the only possible explanation for the accuracy of Mercator's map in this area. If it was not some ancient highly-advanced civilization, then who did map so precisely an area of land that became submerged, some specialists believe, hundreds of thousands of years ago?

Of the enormous territory at the north of the Eurasian plateau that was once dry land today all that remains above water is Spitsbergen, Franz-Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya and the New Siberian Islands. They are visible because once all those islands were mountainous elevations on the north of the Eurasian plateau.
Mercator's Hyperborea
Mountainous elevations on the north of the Eurasian plateau
On Mercator's map a landmass dissected by mighty rivers is depicted in this place – the north of Siberia (before the flood), evidently copied from a map of antediluvian origin. It is remarkable that on modern maps showing the seabed relief in this region one can clearly see the channels of almost all the great Siberian rivers running northwards (as troughs in the underwater shelf) for almost a thousand kilometres beyond the present coastline.
The channels of the great Siberian rivers on a maps of the seabed of the Arctic Ocean
The attempt to reconcile the information on the first (antediluvian) map of the Arctic Basin with what was depicted on the second (postdiluvian) map led to Mercator placing Novaya Zemlya, Spitsbergen, the Kola peninsula and adjoining areas 1,850 kilometres (around 1,150 miles) west of their true positions.
Mercator's Hyperborea
A comparison of Mercator's map with a modern relief map of the Artic Basin
Iceland and the later submerged island of Ogigia copied from the pre-flood source ended up between Spitsbergen and Novaya Zemlya, i.e. 15º (the angle of the shift of the Earth's axis) east of their true positions.
Mercator's Hyperborea
Ogigia (Ortigia) island
Due to his ignorance of the geological history of the Earth, Mercator depicted on his map one and the same region of the Arctic twice over (before and after the flood) shifted 15º from each other. To be fair it should be stated that such slips can be found on other old maps, such as the portulan of Piri Reis.

The large island depicted to the south of Hyperborea is not Greenland as some researchers believe, along with Mercator himself. It is the Labrador Peninsula. The difficulty in identifying this "island" is due to the fact that it migrated to Mercator's map from a badly distorted version of an ancient antediluvian map that had a different projection and orientation. The Labrador Peninsula is shown on the map the way its (pre-flood) coastline would have been seen by a cartographer sitting in space above Iceland at a height of around 7,000 kilometres! For comparison look at picture (left), which shows the relief of the seabed in this region from that height.

Mercator's Hyperborea
Сomparison of the coastline of the north-eastern part of British America and the Labrador Peninsula from Mercator's map.
1. Flemish Cap Bank
2. Grand Banks of Newfoundland
3. Cape now under water in the area of the Gulf of Maine
4. Cape now under water in the area between the St. Charles peninsula and bay of Goose Bay
5. Cape and part of the coastline of the former shape of the Labrador Peninsula in the area of Cape Chidley, beyond which the Hudson Strait begins.
Cartographic material of this kind before the flood could only have been obtained using flying machines, advanced technology and the strong mathematical apparatus necessary to produce specific projections (spherical trigonometry).

As we all know, after the flood the mediaeval cartographers had no such knowledge or technology.

All the details examined above illustrate well that we have indeed found Hyperborea.

Mercator's map that provides the starting point for our research was compiled from several component maps on which certain islands, large landmasses and even whole continents were displaced in respect to each other and to their own correct location.

The cause of such discrepancy is the change in the angle of the Earth's axis after the asteroid impact.

Universal amnesia regarding some of the most important events in the history of the Earth led to a few surviving maps drawn before the flood being used by seafarers in combination with other created afterwards.

Quite often the result was that, navigating by the stars and old maps, seafarers missed their intended destination. It is known that Columbus used one such map on his famous voyage.

Checking his ships' course against the ancient map, he believed that he was on the point of striking land, but failed to find it where he reckoned it was. In his search, he had to sail on for almost 1,000 miles more, running the serious risk of mutiny.

At last, he made a landfall on San Salvador, or some nearby island. In his book The Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Charles Hapgood writes:

«Now, if you look at San Salvador on our map and not its longitude on the main grid, you will see that it lies West of the 60th meridian on that grid instead of 74¼ degrees West Longitude where it actually should be. But if you swing the map around and find the longitude of the island on the special Caribbean grid, it turns out to be 80.5 degrees West.

The trouble that Columbus ran into may now be understood. His error in not understanding the map he had may have led to a mistake of about 14 degrees or about 840 miles in his estimates of the distance across the Atlantic, and thus nearly caused the failure of the expedition».
The shift in the Earth's axis due to the asteroid striketook place in a south-west direction, since "the sky shifted northwards", which inevitably led to the alteration of co-ordinate values, particularly those relating to latitude. It is no coincidence that Admiral Morrison, who studied documents of Christopher Columbus's first voyage, observed:
«On the night of Nov. 2 (1492) two days before the full moon, he endeavored to establish his position by taking the altitude of the North Star with his wooden quadrant. After applying the slight correction, he decided that Puerto Gibara, actually in Lat 21 degrees 06' N, was in 42 degrees N, the Latitude of Cape Cod (140:258)
Today, thanks to the advances in science and technology it is possible to obtain a map of any section of the globe that reflects reality with a high degree of precision.

The discrepancies of the ancient maps no longer cause us the problems that are indirect evidence of the fall of the asteroid and shift of the Earth's axis.

Nevertheless, the fact of the catastrophe and its consequences for the future of humanity are still overlooked in, for example, astrology, as a result of which the practically useful knowledge of the interaction between the cosmos and the human being has lost its true power.

This is because as a result of the asteroid impact 13,669 years ago the Earth made a "jump in time". This jump influenced not only the astrological clock, which began telling a different time, but also the planetary energy clock that sets the vital rhythm for all living things on Earth.

Thousands of years have passed, but the world's astrologers have still not checked the clock they use in their predictions and horoscopes against the astronomical clock of cosmic rhythms, unwittingly deluding both themselves and their public.

In order to prove this, we shall reconstruct the picture of the consequences of the tragedy from ancient texts that tell us that as a result of the asteroid impact:

«…the whole world turned upside down and the stars fell from the sky. This happened because a huge planet fell upon the Earth… at that moment 'the heart of the Lion reached the first minute of the head of the Crab'».
In order to understand what lies behind these words, let us recall to mind some of the foundations of the knowledge of our ancestors.

From ancient times there existed only one science with the aid of which it was possible to convey across millennia with a high degree of precision information about the most important events and dates in the Earth's history.

That science is astronomy. To be dated precisely, an event should be "pinned" to the position of the stars and the sunrise.

The role of instrument for such "pinning" was played by special constructions: observatories using the horizon, megaliths, obelisks, pyramids or the Great Sphinx at Giza, which are oriented precisely on the cardinal compass points.

According to its builders' concept, the Sphinx was an astronomical marker to which end its body pointed precisely due east, to the point where the Sun rose on the horizon at the spring equinox.

The Sphinx looking at the rising Sun
The Sphinx looking at the rising Sun
The ancient astronomers devoted their main attention to the sign of the Zodiac that determined the "astrological age" – the one that appeared over the horizon just before sunrise on the day of the spring equinox. This "heliacal" constellation marked the Sun's "place of rest". It was referred to as "theBeareroftheSun" and also the main "pillar" of heaven.

The position of the Sun on that day was considered the pointer of the "clock" of precession (oscillation) of the Earth's axis, which determined the height of the stars and constellations, something that slowly but surely changes in respect of the point of the equinoctial sunrise on the horizon. Precession means that this point gradually shifts from one constellation (sign of the Zodiac) to another, passing eventually though all twelve signs.

Теперь вспомним, что смена зодиакальных знаков в Большом Миротворном Круге длиной в 25920 лет происходит против часовой стрелки. Поэтому, если наблюдать положение восходящего Солнца в дни весенних равноденствий на фоне созвездий, возникает видимость, что созвездия движутся по порядку вдоль линии эклиптики против часовой стрелки, закатываясь за горизонт.

Судя по приведенному выше древнему тексту, и соответствующим изображениям на Дендерском Зодиаке, 13669 лет назад в год катастрофы Солнце в день весеннего равноденствия взошло в первой минуте «Головы Рака». Значит, катастрофа произошла в то время, когда Солнце находилось между Львом и Раком.

Part of a modern star chart with the Zodiacal constellations of Leo, Cancer and Gemini marked
Since the text of the miraculously surviving warning of the coming catastrophe was received by the priests of Atlantis, the date on it was naturally linked to the horizon by which the Atlantean priests "set their clock", observing the sunrise from their country, most probably from the island that was the location of their main pyramid. So, when reconstructing what happened, we take that factor into account, as well as the fact that the North Pole was located at Mount Meru. Accordingly, due to the displacement of the gridlines, East will also be shifted by a 15˚ turn.

To make things clearer, we have reproduced this astronomical situation in the picture below.

Atlantean pyramid
A reconstruction of the view of the eastern sky from the location of the Atlantean pyramid
Like a computer screen, this image carries us through time and space to a spot a few dozen kilometres above the Earth in an area south of the main archipelago of Atlantis. In front of us is the island that is the location of their main communications centre – the great pyramid of the Atlanteans.

The arrow points from there eastwards to the place where the Sun rises at the equinox and the sky beyond. This arrow points to the "first minute of the first degree of the head of the Crab".

That is how the sky and stars looked on the day of the catastrophe. Now imagine off to the left, from the direction of northern Siberia across northern Europe and then to the south of the British Isles (that were then still joined to the continent) a gigantic asteroid comes hurtling south-westwards. A couple of minutes pass and the planet is shaken by a terrible impact. An ancient text says of this collision:

«...the pillar of the sky collapsed. The Earth was shaken to its very foundation. The sky began falling northward. The Sun, Moon and stars changed their course. The whole system of the Universe was thrown into disorder. The Sun was eclipsed and the planets changed their tracks...»
The impact of the asteroid at an angle to the plane of the Earth's rotation caused the planet's axis of rotation to alter, tipping the North Pole southwards.
At first the pole tipped 20° from its original angle which before the Flood was around 9˚. With time, under the influence of inertia, the tilt of the axis gradually changed.

According to the ancient text after the asteroid impact the Earth partially turned over. Then the points of the compass changed places.

The Sun rose on the western horizon and set in the east. In his History Herodotus wrote:

«At that time, so the priests said, the sun rose four times not in its usual place: that is, twice it rose where it now sets and twice it set where it now rises».
This is a direct indication that as a consequence of the asteroid impact the Earth made two complete turns, with the north pole several times taking the place of the south. West became east, and east west.

The terrible impact reduced the Earth's rate of rotation a little, which at first caused colossal tidal waves moving from south-west to north-east in the Atlantic and from north-west to south-east in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, sweeping away everything in their paths.

Meanwhile on the east coast of the continents, the receding water produced the effect of a tremendously low tide.

The impression would have been of the ocean draining away. Water from the coast poured into the drained region, bringing with it sediment and everything that was in the path of the flow.

The direction of the tidal wave in the Western Hemisphere.
The direction of the tidal wave in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Legends tells us that in China the waters of the sea moved away south-eastwards from the coast. Naturally, if in one part of the globe there was an enormous tidal wave and the water even reached the peaks of mountains, somewhere on the other side of the ocean there must have been a massive ebb tide.

The impact of the gigantic planetoid directly hitting the Earth's "acupuncture point" caused a series of powerful eruptions from the underwater volcanos located along the transregional tectonic fault lines of the underwater mountain ridges in the middle of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Arctic Oceans.

Transregional tectonic faults of middle mountain ranges of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Arctic oceans
A great mass of water coming into contact with the incandescent lava in the gigantic cracks and rifts that opened up in the ocean floor with an area of thousands square kilometres turned into gas, causing a hydraulic shock of unprecedented strength.

It is enough to remember the scale and depth of the canyons of the Mariana Trench, in order to recognize the scope of the disaster.

With an incredible noise, jets of steam and water mixed with sediment from the seabed soared tens of kilometres into the air. Imagine what the living creatures of a planet that turned into a boiling cauldron must have gone through!

A Chaldean narrative has preserved an account of terrible columns of water that ascended to the very heavens and frightened the gods themselves.

The Aramaic flood legend says that there was a dreadful downpour, huge quantities of water came down upon the earth, the rivers burst their banks and the ocean overflowed.

The Chinese treatise Huai-Nan-Tzu describes this event and the change in the tilt of the Earth's axis in this way:

«The celestial vault fractured, the Earthly balance was broken. The sky tilted to the north-west. The Sun and the stars moved. The Earth to the south-east proved hollow and so the water and silt rushed there.

In those distant times the four poles were destroyed [both poles changed its location 2 times]; the nine continents broke apart… fire blazed constantly, the waters raged incessantly».

Then the tilt of the axis and the retarded rotation disrupted the mechanism of precession and "the whole system of the Universe was thrown into disorder."

The priests who kept track of all that took place left a record that the constellations lying along the line of the ecliptic changed the direction of their precessional motion to the opposite.

The Ancient Egyptian papyrus asserted that the seasons changed:

«Winter came like summer; the months followed in reverse order and the hours became confused».
Instead of the customary, natural movement anticlockwise in respect of the Sun rising on the horizon, the constellations began to roll up from behind the horizon in clockwise order.

The arrow to the horizon in the picture below pointing to the "the Sun's place of rest" before the fall of the asteroid, in the first minute of the head of Cancer, began slowly to shift backwards (down) into the constellation of Leo. Precessional (Zodiacal) time began to run backwards.

Atlantean pyramid
Reconstruction of the sky in the Giza area
Some time after the catastrophe the thing mentioned in the warning received by the priests occurred. Astronomically – after rising in the first minute of the head of the Crab in the year of the catastrophe, the position of subsequent sunrises began to move backwards relative to the line of the ecliptic, entering the "heart of the Lion". In terms of the Zodiac, moving anticlockwise, "the first minute of the head of the Crab entered the heart of the Lion".

This movement is also confirmed by the Dendera Zodiac, in which Cancer has changed its position on the line of the ecliptic, shifting backwards towards Leo.

Dendera Zodiac
Dendera Zodiac
The zodiacal event described in the ancient papyrus did not take place immediately.

"The backward course of zodiacal time" lasted until the force of inertia and "external interference" led to the acceleration of the Earth's rotation, and the precessional mechanism began to work in the usual fashion.

The hiccup in the precessional mechanism and the first, most critical phase of instability in the Earth's parameters lasted several hundred years. In the course of this period, the tilt of the planet's axis, that soon after the impact of the asteroid had been 20˚ from its original value, gradually diminished, but not all the way back to its former position. Eventually the Earth's geographic North Pole ended up displaced by 15˚.

Only 1153 years after the terrible catastrophe, when the planet had already been in a relatively stable state for a few hundred years, did the descendants of the priests, who had left Atlantis and settled in the Mediterranean basin, complete the highly difficult task of revising the basic data on cyclicality and precessional rhythms.

Judging by the time scale of the Dendera Zodiac the work was completed sometime around 10512–10500 B.C. In the beginning, using knowledge that had once been received from the Neferu the priests erected an array of obelisks with adjoining temple complexes certain distances apart.

Then, observing the passage of the stars above the obelisks at night and studying the shadows they cast by day, the priests made the necessary astronomical calculations.

With the aid of this primitive, yet highly effective system, the priests obtained data on the length of the new precessional cycle, which after the asteroid impact and the shift in the Earth's axis had length of approximately 25,920 years. Before the catastrophe, the tilt of the axis was around 9˚ and consequently the precessional cycle was shorter.

Obelisk, reconstruction
Knowledge of the precessional cycle was vital to the priests. It made it possible to carry out the calculations needed to produce a calendar and to create a system of measures that would go on to form the basis of the Ancient Egyptian Canon which generations of priests used in the planning and construction of edifices attuned to the main energy rhythms of the Earth and cosmos.

Work of this kind to re-evaluate cyclicality was carried out not only in Egypt, but also in China where, an ancient text tells us, the emperor sent out messengers to the four corners of the darkened world, so as to re-establish the location of north, south, east and west and compile a new calendar.

Despite the fact that 12,515 years ago the Atlantean priests carried out a synchronization of earthly and astronomical clocks and left records of this, astrologers to this day ignore the corrections made back then and continue to base their calculations on a cosmo-planetary cyclicality that was critically changed by the fateful asteroid impact 13,669 years ago (counting back from 2016 A.D.).

In order to shed light on events and, comparing them in passing with the astrological chronography, we turn again to the depictions of the Zodiac, of which there were several in the Ancient Egyptian temple at Dendera.

Thanks to their well-developed astronomy, the system of calendars in Ancient Egypt was superbly worked out.

The calendar and time-scale of the Dendera Zodiacs was based on more ancient texts and prolonged astronomical observation.

To correctly understand the records of prehistoric events let us examine the time-scale of the circular Dendera Zodiac.

The scale in the outer circle of the Zodiac is made up of figures known as Decans. These are time. The Decans are walking in an anticlockwise direction. This indicates that they are not annual Decans, but the Decans of the Great Celestial Circle, the length of which in the Dendera Zodiac is not constant.

This is natural as before the asteroid impact and the change in the tilt of the Earth's axis there was one precessional cycle, afterwards another.

Thus, the density or concentration of the stepping Decans before the arrow A (in Cancer) differs from that after the catastrophe, in the sector between arrows B and C.

Before examining the peculiarities of the timescale on the Dendera Zodiac, we remind you once again that after the catastrophe one Great Celestial Circle (precessional cycle) became equal to 25920 years.

The Zodiacal Age (the length of time the Sun is in each of the twelve constellations) is equal to 2160 years and is made up of three Decans, each of 720 years (judging by the Dendera Zodiac this is not an indisputable fact, but it is traditionally taken to be so).

Dendera Zodiac
Dendera Zodiac, reconstruction
The position of the Sun today is marked on the dial of the Dendera Zodiac by the arrow C. This is Decan N18. The moment of the catastrophe is shown by arrow A, which marks the zone on the line of the ecliptic where the first minute of the first degree of the head of the Crab was at the moment of the catastrophe (the Sun on the cusp of Cancer).

The event and the order in which things happened are reflected in the Zodiac in the following way.

Moving through the constellations anticlockwise along the line of the ecliptic, the sunrise at the spring equinox in the year of the catastrophe took place in the first minute of the first degree of the head of the Crab.

Arrow A, showing this date on the zodiacal clock, touches the first minute of the first degree of the circle in the zone where the head of the Crab should be on the line of the ecliptic. At that moment the disaster took place which led to Cancer making an unnatural shift backwards and upwards, occupying a place above the head of Leo.

The asteroid impact disrupted the precessional mechanism and reversed zodiacal time. The hand of our zodiacal clock moved two Decans back to point B and stopped where "the Heart of the Lion entered the first minute of the head of the Crab", or more accurately the first minute of the head of the Crab entered the Heart of the lion (by right ascension). From that moment the precessional clock resumed its accustomed (anticlockwise) movement.

In order to get an idea of the duration of the "wrinkle in time" during which the Sun twice passed through the area of Leo and Cancer, we turn to the rectangular or linear Dendera Zodiac, part of which is reproduced in picture below (The linear Dendera Zodiac ).

The symbolism of the linear Zodiac differs somewhat from that of the round one because the circular Zodiac reflects the situation in astrological time, the linear one reflects it in physical time, which always moves forwards.

In the left and right halves of the linear Zodiac the Decans (time) sail in boats along the body of the goddess Nut, who symbolizes cosmic space.

Each boat should contain one Decan if they reflect the normal course of events. Let us begin by looking at the left-hand side.

The direction of the Decans movement – top to bottom on the left, then moving over to the right, expresses anticlockwise motion as on the round Zodiac.

Beneath the constellation of Leo Decans 1 and 2 are depicted, each in its own boat. Everything is proceeding normally.

Then Nut gives birth to the Scarab (Cancer). Time shifts to the right half.

The two halves are the symbolic division of the scale of time (history) into two parts: the left before the flood, the right after (the birth of a new time).

In the second half, in the sector of the new-born Scarab (Cancer), at first a little boat floats along the body of Nut containing a Cobra-Decan standing on a lotus (3), but ahead of it are three figures together in a single boat (4). Here is the overlap. This section is marked by the circle.

Three Decans in one boat is an indication of an exceptional event, when three Decans were crammed into the time span of one.

Three Decans ended up in one boat because after the catastrophe the Sun recoiled zodiacally two Decans backwards and then resumed its normal motion along the line of the ecliptic through the Decan (1), making a total of three. In other words, in the time allotted to one Decan the Sun passed through three Decans in the sky, which accords with what is shown on the circular Dendera Zodiac.

Combining the testimony of both Zodiacs, it is possible to state with assurance that the entire course of the event in zodiacal terms was as follows: the Earth passed through the Age of Leo and entered the Age of Cancer, spending the first minute of the first degree there, that is to say, one shortened Decan.

Therefore, the boat in which the Cobra sits is a small one. And then comes the catastrophe. In terms of the zodiac the Earth makes a "leap in time" recoiling backwards into the Age of Leo.

Then, passing once more through the zone from the heart of the Lion to the Crab, the Earth returned to the place where it had been at the moment of catastrophe.

Thus, the Earth went through part of the Age of Leo and the initial Decan of the Age of Cancer twice.

The little Decan (3) after which comes the boat with three Decans (4) indicates that the period from the catastrophe and "the breakdown of the precessional mechanism" or "recoil of zodiacal time" to the restoration of the mechanism of precession was brief in comparison with the normal course of zodiacal time in which three Decans of 720 years are equal to an Age of 2,160 years.

In the framework of physical time it all took place in the course of a single Decan.

Let us return to the circular Dendera Zodiac. From the point B when, after the restoration of the precessional mechanism, the Sun resumed its normal motion along the line of the ecliptic, if we count off the "new era", just over 18 complete Decans have passed.

If we divide the number of years since the catastrophe (13,669) by the duration of a single Decan (720 years) we arrive at a figure of 18,9 Decans.

The difference between the timescale in the Dendera Zodiac and simple arithmetic calculation comes to 0.9 Decans.

Converting that into years, we get a figure of 648. This means that the "wrinkle in time" (the backward shift of zodiacal time) amounted to something over 600 years.

All these peculiarities with the Decans (in the compilation of the Zodiacs, taking into account the margin of error due to the gradual, almost imperceptible change in the tilt of the Earth's axis) produce the discrepancy of 608 years that exists between modern astronomy and astrology.

Lacking a belief in the profundity of the Ancients' knowledge, neither astronomers nor astrologers have even thought to seek an explanation for this obvious divergence in their views from the Egyptians.

Meanwhile Egyptologists, archaeologists and historians are insufficiently versed in the fundamental sciences to, at the very least, properly formulate the question.

In practical terms, the events described above led to the world's zodiacal clock today showing the incorrect time – everything has long since changed. Yet not in a single publication, nor in conversations with professional astrologers will you manage to find out the reason why astrologically the Earth is considered to have already entered the Age of Aquarius.

The spring equinox, the event that determines the name of the Age, occurred on 18 March in 2006. On that day the sunrise showed that roughly three-fifths of the distance through the constellation of Pisces had been covered and that the transition of the equinoctial sunrise into the constellation of Aquarius will take place in another 608 years.

The International Astronomical Union has designated 2614 as the date the Age of Aquarius will start. It's quite easy to work this out for yourself by looking attentively at the sky and doing a little work with a calculator.

Thus, people who travel the ocean of life trusting in the astrologers and astrological charts have found themselves (and will continue to do so) in the same position as Christopher Columbus, trying to find America with an antediluvian map.

As you will recall, he missed his intended destination by almost a thousand miles!

The same thing awaits those who try to orientate themselves in the confused currents of life using an old astrological chart. In practice, the astrological rhythms of horoscopes do not in any way accord with the real rhythms of cosmo-energetic and cosmo-social cycles; hence astrology exists in an abstract time and so is still not considered a science and exists in a state of discontinuity with reality.

In concluding this section, it is worth noting that the main motive for the conclusion drawn above is not connected with the ethics of astrology. There are things incomparably more important.

Astronomers and astrophysicists who study the question of an asteroid threat state that the Earth collides with a substantial cosmic body less than 100 metres across once every hundred years and with one over 100 metres across once every 5000 years.

A collision with an asteroid a kilometre across is possible once in 300,000 years. Once in a million years a collision with something over five kilometres across is a possibility.

The surviving ancient chronicles and our research summarized above shows that the real picture is not so optimistic. In the past 16,000 years large asteroids, dozens of kilometres across, have struck the Earth twice: 13,669 years ago (the Azores asteroid) and 2500 years before that (the Pacific asteroid).

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An indication that the Neferu (Gods of Heaven and Earth) came from Mars rather than anywhere else can be found in surviving ancient monuments. Let us focus on one of these, turning our gaze to the heart of the Mayan civilization the pyramid complex of Teotihuacan, located 40 kilometres north-east of the centre of Mexico City.

Teotihuacan was conceived, designed and constructed as the embodiment in stone of a model of the Solar System.
An indication that the Neferu (Gods of Heaven and Earth) came from Mars rather than anywhere else can be found in surviving ancient monuments. Let us focus on one of these, turning our gaze to the heart of the Mayan civilization the pyramid complex of Teotihuacan, located 40 kilometres north-east of the centre of Mexico City.

Teotihuacan was conceived, designed and constructed as the embodiment in stone of a model of the Solar System.

Teotihuacan (reconstruction)
1 The Pyramid of the Moon (Earth)
2 In the centre, to the left of the Avenue, the Pyramid of the Sun.
3 In the far corner of the complex, again to the left of the Avenue, the Pyramid of Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl)

Teotihuacan (reconstruction)
1 The Pyramid of the Moon (Earth)
2 In the centre, to the left of the Avenue, the Pyramid of the Sun.
3 In the far corner of the complex, again to the left of the Avenue, the Pyramid of Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl)

Rising in the centre of the complex is the largest structure – the Pyramid of the Sun. The fact that this edifice does indeed represent the Sun is shown by its orientation of the equinoxes. When the sun passes the zenith on those two days, the pyramid's shadow disappears for a minute. This phenomenon has been observed here ever since the pyramid was built, irrespective of the era.

To the left of the Pyramid of the Sun stands the Pyramid of the Moon, although this name is merely conventional. In actual fact this is the Pyramid of the Earth, because it models the Earth and its position in respect of the Sun. It is sufficient to place a structural map of the Solar System over a photograph of the complex taken from a height of 4,860 metres and everything becomes clear.

Rising in the centre of the complex is the largest structure – the Pyramid of the Sun. The fact that this edifice does indeed represent the Sun is shown by its orientation of the equinoxes.

When the sun passes the zenith on those two days, the pyramid's shadow disappears for a minute. This phenomenon has been observed here ever since the pyramid was built, irrespective of the era.

To the left of the Pyramid of the Sun stands the Pyramid of the Moon, although this name is merely conventional. In actual fact this is the Pyramid of the Earth, because it models the Earth and its position in respect of the Sun.

It is sufficient to place a structural map of the Solar System over a photograph of the complex taken from a height of 4,860 metres and everything becomes clear.

The celestial map of the Teotihuacan complex. The main pyramids of the complex model the orbital positions of the central planets of the Solar System.

Teotihuacan complex
The celestial map of the Teotihuacan complex. The main pyramids of the complex model the orbital positions of the central planets of the Solar System.
There are a number of additional indicators, such as the seven-level structure of the pyramid (it has seven steps and seven pyramids built one on top of another like a Russian doll), modelling the energy structure of the human being and the Earth (this aspect is examined in detail later).

On the other side of the Pyramid of the Sun is the Pyramid of Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl), bearing the name of the "benevolent god (extraterrestrial) of wisdom, the patron of culture and knowledge". In Ancient Egyptian myths he was known as Thoth (Hermes).

On the celestial map of the complex the Pyramid of Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl) occupies the position of Mars, the planet from which Kukulkan, the Winged Serpent, came. That is why the ratio of the heights of the Pyramid of the Moon (Earth) – around 42 metres – and of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl (Mars) – around 22 metres – is equal to 1:0.532, which corresponds exactly to the ratios of the equatorial diameters of the two planets – thus "as above, so below". The introduction of this ratio into the parameters of the pyramids points to a special way of tuning the communication channel between pyramids on Mars and on the Earth. This is indirect evidence, but there is direct evidence too.

There are a number of additional indicators, such as the seven-level structure of the pyramid (it has seven steps and seven pyramids built one on top of another like a Russian doll), modelling the energy structure of the human being and the Earth (this aspect is examined in detail later).

On the other side of the Pyramid of the Sun is the Pyramid of Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl), bearing the name of the "benevolent god (extraterrestrial) of wisdom, the patron of culture and knowledge". In Ancient Egyptian myths he was known as Thoth (Hermes).

On the celestial map of the complex the Pyramid of Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl) occupies the position of Mars, the planet from which Kukulkan, the Winged Serpent, came.

That is why the ratio of the heights of the Pyramid of the Moon (Earth) – around 42 metres – and of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl (Mars) – around 22 metres – is equal to 1:0.532, which corresponds exactly to the ratios of the equatorial diameters of the two planets – thus "as above, so below".

The introduction of this ratio into the parameters of the pyramids points to a special way of tuning the communication channel between pyramids on Mars and on the Earth. This is indirect evidence, but there is direct evidence too

Diagram showing the incorporation of the ratio of the equatorial diameters of Mars and the Earth for the mutual tuning of the pyramids set up on these planets.

Mars and the Earth
Diagram showing the incorporation of the ratio of the equatorial diameters of Mars and the Earth for the mutual tuning of the pyramids set up on these planets.
Teotihuacan (the City of the Gods) did not simply reproduce the layout of the sky on the ground: in stellar transcription "it reproduced the celestial plan of that part of the heavens where the gods dwelt."

The central "road" served as a symbolic pointer to the place in the Solar System from which they came to Earth", because the "road" leads from the pyramid of Mars to the pyramid of Earth. In terrestrial transcription the central "road" of Teotihuacan pointed north, to the place where the "gods" came to once they had descended to Earth, pointing to the land that Diodorus called "Kingly" and Pliny "the Island of the Divine Kings or of the Gods of Kings, or else the Kingly Island, where dwelt the gods who had founded the dynasties of kings of Atlantis."

It is no coincidence that according to legend the City of the Gods (Teotihuacan) was called "the dwelling-place of those who know the way to the gods" (the way between the celestial home of the gods and their earthly one).

Linking the terrestrial and celestial in one, the central road – the axis of the complex, began at the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl (Mars), showing the planet from which the god had at one time come, and led to Hyperborea, the earthly dwelling of the gods (place, where gods descended to Earth).
Teotihuacan (the City of the Gods) did not simply reproduce the layout of the sky on the ground: in stellar transcription "it reproduced the celestial plan of that part of the heavens where the gods dwelt." The central "road" served as a symbolic pointer to the place in the Solar System from which they came to Earth", because the "road" leads from the pyramid of Mars to the pyramid of Earth.

In terrestrial transcription the central "road" of Teotihuacan pointed north, to the place where the "gods" came to once they had descended to Earth, pointing to the land that Diodorus called "Kingly" and Pliny "the Island of the Divine Kings or of the Gods of Kings, or else the Kingly Island, where dwelt the gods who had founded the dynasties of kings of Atlantis."

It is no coincidence that according to legend the City of the Gods (Teotihuacan) was called "the dwelling-place of those who know the way to the gods" (the way between the celestial home of the gods and their earthly one).

Linking the terrestrial and celestial in one, the central road – the axis of the complex, began at the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl (Mars), showing the planet from which the god had at one time come, and led to Hyperborea, the earthly dwelling of the gods (place, where gods descended to Earth).
The Soviet oceanographer Yakov Gakkel (after whom the Arctic Ocean's third underwater ridge, the closest to the Atlantic, is named) reckoned that a continent of Arctica existed 100,000 years ago. The geophysicists R.M. Demenitskaya, A.M. Krasik and Yu.G. Kiselev believed that the death of Arctica took place even earlier.

Professor A.I. Tolmachev was of the opinion that an exchange of flora between northern Europe and Arctic America continued right up to the end of the last Ice Age. The marine geologists N.A. Belov and V.N. Lapina think that individual parts of the Lomonosov and Mendeleyev Ridges were above water 16–18000 years ago. Academician A.F.Treshnikov believes that parts of the Lomonosov Ridge may have reached the surface 8–18000 years ago. In the opinion of the major Soviet microbiologist Professor Ye.F. Guryanov and K.N. Nesis, in the Quaternary period the Lomonosov Ridge extended above sea level: "the barrier in the area of the East Siberian Sea, the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel Island, i.e. in the region of the Lomonosov Ridge, existed for quite a time and disappeared only very recently, at least in the period that only began 2500 years ago.
The Soviet oceanographer Yakov Gakkel (after whom the Arctic Ocean's third underwater ridge, the closest to the Atlantic, is named) reckoned that a continent of Arctica existed 100,000 years ago. The geophysicists R.M. Demenitskaya, A.M. Krasik and Yu.G. Kiselev believed that the death of Arctica took place even earlier. Professor A.I. Tolmachev was of the opinion that an exchange of flora between northern Europe and Arctic America continued right up to the end of the last Ice Age. The marine geologists N.A. Belov and V.N. Lapina think that individual parts of the Lomonosov and Mendeleyev Ridges were above water 16–18000 years ago. Academician A.F.Treshnikov believes that parts of the Lomonosov Ridge may have reached the surface 8–18000 years ago. In the opinion of the major Soviet microbiologist Professor Ye.F. Guryanov and K.N. Nesis, in the Quaternary period the Lomonosov Ridge extended above sea level: "the barrier in the area of the East Siberian Sea, the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel Island, i.e. in the region of the Lomonosov Ridge, existed for quite a time and disappeared only very recently, at least in the period that only began 2500 years ago.
In his treatise On the Face Visible on the Moon, Plutarch tells us through the lips of his hero, a Roman named Sulla, that if you sail westwards from the British Isles you reach the remarkable island of Ogigia (Ortigia). This island was believed to belong to Artemis. If you then sail further in the direction of the setting sun in summer (i.e. north-westwards) you come to several more islands.
In his treatise On the Face Visible on the Moon, Plutarch tells us through the lips of his hero, a Roman named Sulla, that if you sail westwards from the British Isles you reach the remarkable island of Ogigia (Ortigia). This island was believed to belong to Artemis. If you then sail further in the direction of the setting sun in summer (i.e. north-westwards) you come to several more islands.

Map showing the relief of the seabed of the Atlantic Ocean, compiled by Heezen, Tharp and Ewing in 1959.

In his Geography the ancient historian Strabo wrote about the extreme northern territory of the Earth that was called Thule Hyperborea. According to Strabo, Thule lay six days sailing away from Britain. It could not be approached because of a jelly-like mass (perhaps sludge ice). The Sun in those parts did not set for several months and the winter night lasted just as long.

Satellite picture. On this image you can clearly see beneath the water the outlines of antediluvian islands and coast lines.

Map showing the relief of the seabed of the Atlantic Ocean, compiled by Heezen, Tharp and Ewing in 1959.
In his Geography the ancient historian Strabo wrote about the extreme northern territory of the Earth that was called Thule Hyperborea. According to Strabo, Thule lay six days sailing away from Britain. It could not be approached because of a jelly-like mass (perhaps sludge ice). The Sun in those parts did not set for several months and the winter night lasted just as long.
Satellite picture. On this image you can clearly see beneath the water the outlines of antediluvian islands and coast lines.
In order to picture how the mechanism of the "precessional clock" works and what precession is, it is best to look at the Earth as if from a distance. That way it is easier to see that our planet is performing several rotary motions at once, and precession is a consequence of one of these. Let us examine them one at a time.

The first is its anticlockwise (seen from the North) orbit around the Sun. It completes one revolution around the Sun in one year.
In order to picture how the mechanism of the "precessional clock" works and what precession is, it is best to look at the Earth as if from a distance. That way it is easier to see that our planet is performing several rotary motions at once, and precession is a consequence of one of these. Let us examine them one at a time.

The first is its anticlockwise (seen from the North) orbit around the Sun. It completes one revolution around the Sun in one year.

Earth axis precession

Earth axis precession
The second movement the Earth makes is around its own axis, again anticlockwise, and the period of this revolution is 24 hours.

The Earth's third rotary movement (precession) has the Earth's axis of rotation. In order to simplify the picture, imagine a powerful laser installed at the North Pole and pointing perpendicularly upwards, while the myriad of stars are points on a hemispherical celestial vault. Now, if we begin to watch the spot made by our polar laser, we see that it crawls slowly across the celestial vault, tracing out a circle. It takes 22,000 years for our imaginary spot of laser light to return to its starting point
The second movement the Earth makes is around its own axis, again anticlockwise, and the period of this revolution is 24 hours.

The Earth's third rotary movement (precession) has the Earth's axis of rotation. In order to simplify the picture, imagine a powerful laser installed at the North Pole and pointing perpendicularly upwards, while the myriad of stars are points on a hemispherical celestial vault. Now, if we begin to watch the spot made by our polar laser, we see that it crawls slowly across the celestial vault, tracing out a circle. It takes 22,000 years for our imaginary spot of laser light to return to its starting point
At the same time the plane of the equator (perpendicular to the axis) slowly rocks with respect to the celestial equator so that the stars alternately appear to descend and ascend in respect to the horizon.
At the same time the plane of the equator (perpendicular to the axis) slowly rocks with respect to the celestial equator so that the stars alternately appear to descend and ascend in respect to the horizon.
The combined effect – the cycle in which the projection of the Earth's axis (our laser ray) does a full circle and the stars move from their lowest point above the horizon to the highest and back again is known as the astronomical precessional cycle. The zodiacal cycle of "precession", in the course of which the Sun, rising due East at the spring equinox, passes through all twelve constellations of the Zodiac, lasts 25,920 years.

It should be pointed out that there is one more complex movement called nutation (Fig.204). This is the oscillation of the Earth's axis around its central position and is equal to ±1.5˚. The period in which the Earth's axis completes one barely noticeable oscillation is 18.6 years. These minor fluctuations do influence the steady motion of precession. Usually, however, nutation is ignored when calculating precession, since it is still not possible to determine its influence on precession over the course of 25,920 years. And lastly.

The combined effect – the cycle in which the projection of the Earth's axis (our laser ray) does a full circle and the stars move from their lowest point above the horizon to the highest and back again is known as the astronomical precessional cycle. The zodiacal cycle of "precession", in the course of which the Sun, rising due East at the spring equinox, passes through all twelve constellations of the Zodiac, lasts 25,920 years.

It should be pointed out that there is one more complex movement called nutation (Fig.204). This is the oscillation of the Earth's axis around its central position and is equal to ±1.5˚. The period in which the Earth's axis completes one barely noticeable oscillation is 18.6 years. These minor fluctuations do influence the steady motion of precession. Usually, however, nutation is ignored when calculating precession, since it is still not possible to determine its influence on precession over the course of 25,920 years. And lastly.
Modern science believes that precession is caused by the gravitational influence of the Sun and Moon. Hugh Auchincloss Brown, an electrical engineer who devoted over sixty years to the promotion of the theory that a massive polar icecap might tip the world and destroy the whole of civilization, believed that precession was a particularly ominous sign of this.

In reality precession is by its nature connected with a particular process taking place in the Earth's core. The precessional oscillation is a sort of pendulum of the planet's energy clock, connected in a special way with the influence of the "field hyperboloid of rotation" of the magnetic axis, which plays a fundamental role in the exchange of energy and information between the Earth and the cosmos. Precession, for which scientists have found no convincing explanation, and the "field hyperboloid of rotation" of the magnetic axis are an inseparable part of the energy mechanism of any planet.

The concept of the Earth's field hyperboloid of rotation, which you will learn about in the following chapters, was worked up jointly by the St Petersburg scientists S.N. Pavlova and V.N. Trifanov.

Modern science believes that precession is caused by the gravitational influence of the Sun and Moon. Hugh Auchincloss Brown, an electrical engineer who devoted over sixty years to the promotion of the theory that a massive polar icecap might tip the world and destroy the whole of civilization, believed that precession was a particularly ominous sign of this.

In reality precession is by its nature connected with a particular process taking place in the Earth's core. The precessional oscillation is a sort of pendulum of the planet's energy clock, connected in a special way with the influence of the "field hyperboloid of rotation" of the magnetic axis, which plays a fundamental role in the exchange of energy and information between the Earth and the cosmos. Precession, for which scientists have found no convincing explanation, and the "field hyperboloid of rotation" of the magnetic axis are an inseparable part of the energy mechanism of any planet.

The concept of the Earth's field hyperboloid of rotation, which you will learn about in the following chapters, was worked up jointly by the St Petersburg scientists S.N. Pavlova and V.N. Trifanov.


In order for you to see this astronomical phenomenon that extends over millennia, we shall use the same "freeze-frame" approach employed by the Ancient Egyptian priests in the Dendera Zodiac. This unique method is the only way to graphically present something that is extended over time and requires several thousands of years of continuous observation of the sunrise against the background of the constellations. This process can be accelerated and visualized with the aid of a computer program. The chosen starting point for our reconstruction is the spring equinox, 21 March 4714 before new era. The spot from which we shall conduct our observations of the sky is in Giza. The letter E in the figures indicates the direction of due East and the dotted line the horizon.


In order for you to see this astronomical phenomenon that extends over millennia, we shall use the same "freeze-frame" approach employed by the Ancient Egyptian priests in the Dendera Zodiac. This unique method is the only way to graphically present something that is extended over time and requires several thousands of years of continuous observation of the sunrise against the background of the constellations. This process can be accelerated and visualized with the aid of a computer program. The chosen starting point for our reconstruction is the spring equinox, 21 March 4714 before new era. The spot from which we shall conduct our observations of the sky is in Giza. The letter E in the figures indicates the direction of due East and the dotted line the horizon.
The position of the Sun on the line of the ecliptic on 21 March 4714 before new era at 7 in the morning. The Sun is below the horizon in the constellation of Taurus.
The position of the Sun on the line of the ecliptic on 21 March 4714 before new era at 7 in the morning.
The Sun is below the horizon in the constellation of Taurus
On that day, over 6,000 years ago, the Sun rose in Taurus. The dark dotted line marks the boundaries of the constellation, which is mainly below the horizon. The Sun moves along the line of the ecliptic (the apparent path of the sun through the belt of zodiacal constellations). Higher above the horizon is the constellation of Aries. Pisces is in the upper right-hand corner.

Next we shall see where the Sun rose on the same day of the year and the same time of day in 2993 before new era.
On that day, over 6,000 years ago, the Sun rose in Taurus. The dark dotted line marks the boundaries of the constellation, which is mainly below the horizon. The Sun moves along the line of the ecliptic (the apparent path of the sun through the belt of zodiacal constellations). Higher above the horizon is the constellation of Aries. Pisces is in the upper right-hand corner.

Next we shall see where the Sun rose on the same day of the year and the same time of day in 2993 before new era.
Sunrise on 21 March 2993 before new era.
Sunrise on 21 March 2993 before new era.
Moving anticlockwise, the constellation of Aries has come down to the horizon. The Sun is below the horizon in that constellation. Pisces too is now closer to the horizon. This reconstruction clearly shows how the constellations move anticlockwise, setting behind the horizon.

Now we shall take the next leap forward, to the year 7 A.D.
Moving anticlockwise, the constellation of Aries has come down to the horizon. The Sun is below the horizon in that constellation. Pisces too is now closer to the horizon. This reconstruction clearly shows how the constellations move anticlockwise, setting behind the horizon.

Now we shall take the next leap forward, to the year 7 A.D.
21 March 7 A.D.
21 March 7 A.D.
At seven in the morning of 21 March 7 A.D. the Sun was at the very start of the constellation of Pisces. Aries had descended still lower.

Now let us look where the Sun was at the spring equinox 2007
At seven in the morning of 21 March 7 A.D. the Sun was at the very start of the constellation of Pisces. Aries had descended still lower.

Now let us look where the Sun was at the spring equinox 2007
21 March 2007
21 March 2007
As you see, the Sun has passed into Pisces, which is almost ⅔ below the horizon already. Thus the result of our reconstruction demonstrates that the point on the Great Celestial Circle where the Sun rises at the spring equinox gradually moves clockwise through the constellations, while the constellations themselves move anticlockwise in respect of the horizon.
As you see, the Sun has passed into Pisces, which is almost ⅔ below the horizon already. Thus the result of our reconstruction demonstrates that the point on the Great Celestial Circle where the Sun rises at the spring equinox gradually moves clockwise through the constellations, while the constellations themselves move anticlockwise in respect of the horizon.


A papyrus miraculously survived in the monastery of Abou Hormeis that contains part of the text of the warning of the approaching catastrophe received by the priests of Atlantis. It says, among other things:

"the flood will happen when the Heart of the Lion enters the first minute of the first degree of the head of the Crab [Cancer, the Scarab]."

Since Regulus, the star known as the Heart of the Lion, could not move into the head of the Crab as the two constellations do not move in relation to each other, it is obvious that the text of this papyrus is in the nature of a prediction, pointing to the date when the Sun, moving along the line of the ecliptic, will occupy the corresponding place on the horizon in the "Heart of the Lion". Such an exceptional event could only take place as the result of a catastrophe.


A papyrus miraculously survived in the monastery of Abou Hormeis that contains part of the text of the warning of the approaching catastrophe received by the priests of Atlantis. It says, among other things:

"the flood will happen when the Heart of the Lion enters the first minute of the first degree of the head of the Crab [Cancer, the Scarab]."

Since Regulus, the star known as the Heart of the Lion, could not move into the head of the Crab as the two constellations do not move in relation to each other, it is obvious that the text of this papyrus is in the nature of a prediction, pointing to the date when the Sun, moving along the line of the ecliptic, will occupy the corresponding place on the horizon in the "Heart of the Lion". Such an exceptional event could only take place as the result of a catastrophe.
The 15° shift in the Earth's axis is confirmed by many historical sources. Among other things, a sundial has been found in Egypt that can only be used in a country located at a latitude of 15°, while Egypt is located at a latitude of 25–30°. To explain this fact, keep in mind where North Pole and axis of Earth rotation was situated before Azores asteroid impact. Before the flood and the axis shift, the central part of Egypt was at latitude 15° North.
The 15° shift in the Earth's axis is confirmed by many historical sources. Among other things, a sundial has been found in Egypt that can only be used in a country located at a latitude of 15°, while Egypt is located at a latitude of 25–30°. To explain this fact, keep in mind where North Pole and axis of Earth rotation was situated before Azores asteroid impact. Before the flood and the axis shift, the central part of Egypt was at latitude 15° North.

The grid of latitude and longitude before the flood and the shift in the Earth's axis of rotation.
The areas between 15° and 30° North shifted and turned.

The grid of latitude and longitude before the flood and the shift in the Earth's axis of rotation.
The areas between 15° and 30° North shifted and turned.
After the changes in the position of the North Pole and the shift in the Earth's surface with respect to its axis of rotation by 15°, the Giza plateau ended up being 30°.
After the changes in the position of the North Pole and the shift in the Earth's surface with respect to its axis of rotation by 15°, the Giza plateau ended up being 30°.

The grid of latitude and longitude after the flood and the shift in the Earth's axis of rotation.

The grid of latitude and longitude after the flood and the shift in the Earth's axis of rotation.
Ancient astronomical tables, from which the co-ordinates of places can be determined by the stars, contain indications that ancient Babylon was considerably further north than the
present remains of that city. This discrepancy was pointed out by the astronomer Arzachel (Al-Zarqali), who lived in the eleventh century.

Ancient astronomical tables, from which the co-ordinates of places can be determined by the stars, contain indications that ancient Babylon was considerably further north than the
present remains of that city. This discrepancy was pointed out by the astronomer Arzachel (Al-Zarqali), who lived in the eleventh century.

In astronomy co-ordinates consist of a set of two values: right ascension and declination. Right ascension is the east-west co-ordinate (usually expressed in units of time), while declension gives the angular distance north (positive) or south (negative) of the celestial equator. The modern astronomical co-ordinates for Regulus (the brightest star in the constellation of Leo) are:
In astronomy co-ordinates consist of a set of two values: right ascension and declination. Right ascension is the east-west co-ordinate (usually expressed in units of time), while declension gives the angular distance north (positive) or south (negative) of the celestial equator. The modern astronomical co-ordinates for Regulus (the brightest star in the constellation of Leo) are:

The astronomical co-ordinates of Regulus and δ Cancri before and after the catastrophe, as calculated by Svetlana Pavlova.

Declension – 12°13'
right ascension – 10h06m

For δ Delta Cancri (the second brightest star in Cancer, in the centre of the constellation) the co-ordinates are: 18° und 8h45m

After the catastrophe the co-ordinates of Cancer changed:
declination: 37-38°
right ascension: 10h06m

Let's compare the figures for the starting position (before the catastrophe – dotted line A) with the co-ordinates for Cancer shown in the Dendera Zodiac after the catastrophe (dotted line B). With the aid very simple arithmetic we find that Cancer moved northwards by roughly 20° and eastwards by 1h 21m, which again corresponds to roughly 20°. And this is the displacement of the heavens in degrees. The Earth "dropped" in the opposite direction, roughly 20° southwards and 20° westwards from the original pre-asteroid angle of its axis.
The astronomical co-ordinates of Regulus and δ Cancri before and after the catastrophe, as calculated by Svetlana Pavlova.
Declension – 12°13'
right ascension – 10h06m

For δ Delta Cancri (the second brightest star in Cancer, in the centre of the constellation) the co-ordinates are: 18° und 8h45m

After the catastrophe the co-ordinates of Cancer changed:
declination: 37-38°
right ascension: 10h06m

Let's compare the figures for the starting position (before the catastrophe – dotted line A) with the co-ordinates for Cancer shown in the Dendera Zodiac after the catastrophe (dotted line B). With the aid very simple arithmetic we find that Cancer moved northwards by roughly 20° and eastwards by 1h 21m, which again corresponds to roughly 20°. And this is the displacement of the heavens in degrees. The Earth "dropped" in the opposite direction, roughly 20° southwards and 20° westwards from the original pre-asteroid angle of its axis..

Roughly a hundred years after the terrible catastrophe, the period of geological and climatic changes caused by asteroid impact came to its end. The Arctic region was covered by a gigantic ice-sheet over three kilometres thick. Apart from its influence on the climate, this gigantic cap also shifted the planet's centre of gravity. Additional centrifugal forces appeared that restrained the axis of the Earth's rotation that had tipped southwards. With time, as the atmosphere cleared and the ice melted, this cap shrank. The water from the melting glaciers, extracted by the centrifugal forces of the Earth's rotation flowed into the oceans and was distributed around the equator. As the melting continued, the level of the oceans rose, reducing the cap that had restrained the shifting axis and it gradually changed its angle. By some time around the middle of the tenth millennium B.C., the bulk of the ice had melted. The angle of the Earth's axis of spin diminished slightly and became stable.

Roughly a hundred years after the terrible catastrophe, the period of geological and climatic changes caused by asteroid impact came to its end. The Arctic region was covered by a gigantic ice-sheet over three kilometres thick. Apart from its influence on the climate, this gigantic cap also shifted the planet's centre of gravity. Additional centrifugal forces appeared that restrained the axis of the Earth's rotation that had tipped southwards. With time, as the atmosphere cleared and the ice melted, this cap shrank. The water from the melting glaciers, extracted by the centrifugal forces of the Earth's rotation flowed into the oceans and was distributed around the equator. As the melting continued, the level of the oceans rose, reducing the cap that had restrained the shifting axis and it gradually changed its angle. By some time around the middle of the tenth millennium B.C., the bulk of the ice had melted. The angle of the Earth's axis of spin diminished slightly and became stable
A simple and obvious method of determining the dates on the timescale of the Dendera Zodiac was suggested by Svetlana Pavlova. By calculating the number of Decans and laying a map of the night sky over the disk of the Dendera Zodiac, she determined the location of the Sun at the turn of the first millennium (between Decan 15 and 16) and at the present day (arrow C).
A simple and obvious method of determining the dates on the timescale of the Dendera Zodiac was suggested by Svetlana Pavlova. By calculating the number of Decans and laying a map of the night sky over the disk of the Dendera Zodiac, she determined the location of the Sun at the turn of the first millennium (between Decan 15 and 16) and at the present day (arrow C).