The Menchikov Vaccine Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Laboratory head Doctor of Biological Sciences N.B. Yegorova

Research into the effect of the pyramid field on the infection resistance of living organisms.

The study was conducted based on a model infection in mice with the pathogen Salmonella typhimurium, strain 415.

White outbred mice weighing 12–14 g were exposed to a pyramid field for various lengths and numbers of times. After several days the mice were infected intraperitoneally by 4 10-fold increasing doses of S. typhimurium from 101 to 104 microbial cells. As control served a group of mice from the same batch, infected with the same doses of culture, but that were not exposed to a pyramid field.

It was reliably established that the survival rate for the mice exposed to the pyramid field is considerably higher than for the control group.

At the lower doses, 60% of the mice exposed to the pyramid field survived, against 7% in the control group. At the higher doses the corresponding figures were 30% and 3%.

Conclusion: the exposure of mice to a pyramid field substantially enhanced their resistance to subsequent infection with S. typhimurium. In other words, it is possible to speak of a powerful immune modulating effect on the nonspecific reactivity of the animals' organism.

A similar picture was observed after various carcinogens were administered. The mice of the experimental group were given pyramid-field-structured drinking water, the control animals received plain water.

Result — the probability of the occurrence of tumors in the animals in the control group was several times higher than in the animals of the experimental group.
The Menchikov Vaccine Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Laboratory head Doctor of Biological Sciences N.B. Yegorova

Research into the effect of the pyramid field on the infection resistance of living organisms.

The study was conducted based on a model infection in mice with the pathogen Salmonella typhimurium, strain 415.

White outbred mice weighing 12–14 g were exposed to a pyramid field for various lengths and numbers of times. After several days the mice were infected intraperitoneally by 4 10-fold increasing doses of S. typhimurium from 10E-1 to 10E-4 microbial cells. As control served a group of mice from the same batch, infected with the same doses of culture, but that were not exposed to a pyramid field.

Research into the effect of the pyramid field on the infection resistance of living organisms.
It was reliably established that the survival rate for the mice exposed to the pyramid field is considerably higher than for the control group.

At the lower doses, 60% of the mice exposed to the pyramid field survived, against 7% in the control group. At the higher doses the corresponding figures were 30% and 3%.

Conclusion: the exposure of mice to a pyramid field substantially enhanced their resistance to subsequent infection with S. typhimurium. In other words, it is possible to speak of a powerful immune modulating effect on the nonspecific reactivity of the animals' organism.

A similar picture was observed after various carcinogens were administered. The mice of the experimental group were given pyramid-field-structured drinking water, the control animals received plain water.

Result — the probability of the occurrence of tumors in the animals in the control group was several times higher than in the animals of the experimental group

Ivanovsky Research Institute of Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Academician S.M. Klimenko of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, N.N. Nosik Ph.D. (Medical Science), D.N. Nosik Ph.D. (Medical Science).

а) Research into the effect of the pyramid field on human lymphoblastoid cells. Source of the pyramid field was pyramid-field-structured water used to prepare the nutrient solution.

Cell viability was determined by staining with 0.4% tripan blue (Serva, Germany) and MTT (Sigma, USA) with spectrophotometry of the absorption of the vital dye.

As early as the 10th day of the experiment there began a noticeable (several fold) increase in cell count and cell-viability percentage in the treated sample compared to the control.

Data was obtained on the stimulating effect of a nutrient medium prepared with water exposed to a pyramid field on the viability and proliferation of human cells

An increase in cell life and viability over the control was found. As such, on the 11th day of the experiment these figures were 1.2 million/ml and 52% respectively for the control and 1.4 million/ml and 88% for the experiment; on the 21st day 0.05 million/ml and 2% for the control, and 0.3 million/ml and 49% for the experiment.

b) Ibid. a study was conducted into the effect of the pyramid field on the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin.

The object of the study was venoglobulin — human polyvalent immunoglobulin for intravenous injection, lyophilized (from Pasteur-Mérieux, France) on a culture of human diploid fibroblast cells. To determine the antiviral activity of the immunoglobulin (Ig), the encephalomyocarditis mouse virus (EMC virus) was used.

The antiviral activity of the drug was assessed by its ability to protect human cells from the cytopathic effect of the virus.

The venoglobulin was dissolved in distilled water in accordance with the instructions to a concentration of 50 μg/ml. In the study the drug was tested at two concentrations: 50 μg/ml and 0.5 μg/ml. Aliquots of both concentrations were exposed to a pyramid field. 24 hours prior to infection with the virus, the venoglobulin was introduced into cell cultures.

The EMC virus replicates well in diploid cultures of human fibroblasts, producing a pronounced cytopathic effect — the infectious titre of the virus reached 5.0 lg CPD50.

Venoglobulin at the concentration of 50 μg/ml significantly inhibited the multiplication of the virus — its titre reached only 2.0 lg TCPD50 (an inhibition factor of 3.0 lg). In the 100-fold reduced concentration of the preparation, a protective effect could no longer be detected.

A very different picture was observed when using venoglobulin preparations of the same concentrations but exposed to a pyramid field. In this case the preparation at a concentration of 50 μg/ml inhibited the reproduction of the EMC virus by 4.0 lg. Most significant, however, was that the preparation at a concentration of 0.5 μg/ml had the same inhibiting effect.

Thus, venoglobulin at a concentration of 0.5 μg/ml that had had no protective effect on the cells, after pyramid field exposure possessed a more pronounced virus-inhibiting effect than in the 100-fold more concentrated form of this drug.

Under further dilution, to concentrations of 0.005 μg/ml and 0.00005 μg/ml with subsequent pyramid field exposure, the venoglobulin displayed a pronounced anti-viral effect — the titre of the EMC virus reached only 1.0 lg TCPD50.

The anti-viral activity of the venoglobulin practically ceased to depend on its concentration.
Ivanovsky Research Institute of Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Academician S.M. Klimenko of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, N.N. Nosik Ph.D. (Medical Science), D.N. Nosik Ph.D. (Medical Science).

а) Research into the effect of the pyramid field on human lymphoblastoid cells. Source of the pyramid field was pyramid-field-structured water used to prepare the nutrient solution.

Cell viability was determined by staining with 0.4% tripan blue (Serva, Germany) and MTT (Sigma, USA) with spectrophotometry of the absorption of the vital dye
As early as the 10th day of the experiment there began a noticeable (several fold) increase in cell count and cell-viability percentage in the treated sample compared to the control.

Data was obtained on the stimulating effect of a nutrient medium prepared with water exposed to a pyramid field on the viability and proliferation of human cells

An increase in cell life and viability over the control was found. As such, on the 11th day of the experiment these figures were 1.2 million/ml and 52% respectively for the control and 1.4 million/ml and 88% for the experiment; on the 21st day 0.05 million/ml and 2% for the control, and 0.3 million/ml and 49% for the experiment.

b) Ibid. a study was conducted into the effect of the pyramid field on the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin. The object of the study was venoglobulin — human polyvalent immunoglobulin for intravenous injection, lyophilized (from Pasteur-Mérieux, France) on a culture of human diploid fibroblast cells.

To determine the antiviral activity of the immunoglobulin (Ig), the encephalomyocarditis mouse virus (EMC virus) was used. The antiviral activity of the drug was assessed by its ability to protect human cells from the cytopathic effect of the virus.

The venoglobulin was dissolved in distilled water in accordance with the instructions to a concentration of 50 μg/ml. In the study the drug was tested at two concentrations: 50 μg/ml and 0.5 μg/ml. Aliquots of both concentrations were exposed to a pyramid field. 24 hours prior to infection with the virus, the venoglobulin was introduced into cell cultures.

The EMC virus replicates well in diploid cultures of human fibroblasts, producing a pronounced cytopathic effect — the infectious titre of the virus reached 5.0 lg CPD50. Venoglobulin at the concentration of 50 μg/ml significantly inhibited the multiplication of the virus — its titre reached only 2.0 lg TCPD50 (an inhibition factor of 3.0 lg). In the 100-fold reduced concentration of the preparation, a protective effect could no longer be detected.

A very different picture was observed when using venoglobulin preparations of the same concentrations but exposed to a pyramid field. In this case the preparation at a concentration of 50 μg/ml inhibited the reproduction of the EMC virus by 4.0 lg. Most significant, however, was that the preparation at a concentration of 0.5 μg/ml had the same inhibiting effect.

Thus, venoglobulin at a concentration of 0.5 μg/ml that had had no protective effect on the cells, after pyramid field exposure possessed a more pronounced virus-inhibiting effect than in the 100-fold more concentrated form of this drug.

Under further dilution, to concentrations of 0.005 μg/ml and 0.00005 μg/ml with subsequent pyramid field exposure, the venoglobulin displayed a pronounced anti-viral effect — the titre of the EMC virus reached only 1.0 lg TCPD50.

The anti-viral activity of the venoglobulin practically ceased to depend on its concentration.

Haematological Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,

Professor V.A. Makarov

In order to study the effect of pyramid-field-exposed water on the blood coagulation system, its effect on certain coagulation indices was examined in vitro using donor blood both standard normal as well as with pathologically reduced coagulation factor level, deficient in factor VIII, both as lyophilised human plasma. In addition, ex vivo pyramid-structured water was tested in rabbits.

The donor blood was obtained by puncturing the cubital vein and stabilised with a 3.8% solution of sodium citrate (Merck, Germany) in a ratio of 9:1.

Blood samples for the evaluation of coagulatory parameters were taken from the marginal vein of the rabbits' ears using the free-falling drops method.

In order to obtain platelet-rich plasma the blood was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 1000 revolutions per minute, after which the upper layer of plasma was transferred to another test-tube and the remainder was centrifuged again for 20 minutes at 3000 rpm to obtain thrombocyte-free plasma.

One of the stages was an ex vivo study of the effect on the rabbit coagulation system when replacing their ordinary drinking water with pyramid-field-exposed water. The experiments were conducted over 14 days.

Blood was taken from the rabbits before being given pyramid water, and also 7 and 14 days into the experiment.

The platelet count was determined by optical method proposed by B. Walkowiak et al. A sample of rich plasma was diluted 10-fold with 0.01 M phosphate buffer containing 0.14 M NaCl (pH 7.3) and the density was measured in plastic cuvettes at A800 against a similarly diluted sample of poor plasma. The platelet count before the introduction of pyramid water was taken as 100%. On the 7th day of the experiment the number had risen to 129±10% and on the 14th day to 167±18%.

A decrease in the prothrombin time and an increase in the platelet count was reliably established.
Haematological Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,

Professor V.A. Makarov

In order to study the effect of pyramid-field-exposed water on the blood coagulation system, its effect on certain coagulation indices was examined in vitro using donor blood both standard normal as well as with pathologically reduced coagulation factor level, deficient in factor VIII, both as lyophilised human plasma. In addition, ex vivo pyramid-structured water was tested in rabbits.
The donor blood was obtained by puncturing the cubital vein and stabilised with a 3.8% solution of sodium citrate (Merck, Germany) in a ratio of 9:1.

Blood samples for the evaluation of coagulatory parameters were taken from the marginal vein of the rabbits' ears using the free-falling drops method.

In order to obtain platelet-rich plasma the blood was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 1000 revolutions per minute, after which the upper layer of plasma was transferred to another test-tube and the remainder was centrifuged again for 20 minutes at 3000 rpm to obtain thrombocyte-free plasma.

One of the stages was an ex vivo study of the effect on the rabbit coagulation system when replacing their ordinary drinking water with pyramid-field-exposed water.

The experiments were conducted over 14 days. Blood was taken from the rabbits before being given pyramid water, and also 7 and 14 days into the experiment.

The platelet count was determined by optical method proposed by B. Walkowiak et al. A sample of rich plasma was diluted 10-fold with 0.01 M phosphate buffer containing 0.14 M NaCl (pH 7.3) and the density was measured in plastic cuvettes at A800 against a similarly diluted sample of poor plasma.

The platelet count before the introduction of pyramid water was taken as 100%. On the 7th day of the experiment the number had risen to 129±10% and on the 14th day to 167±18%.

A decrease in the prothrombin time and an increase in the platelet count was reliably established.

Graphite scientific research institute

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Professor V.I. Kostikov, Dr. A.S. Katasonov.

Research into the effect of the pyramid field on the electrical resistance of carbon materials.

The research object was pyrolytic carbon obtained by precipitating the products of methane pyrolysis on a graphite liner at a temperature of ~2100°C.

Measurements were taken by four-probe method on direct current under normal conditions.

Sheet size ~25×10×1mm, distance between the potential contacts ~3mm with a measuring current density of ~1500mA/cm2.

Before exposure to a pyramid field the electrical resistance was measured at ~5–7μΩ m. After 24 hour pyramid field exposure the electrical resistance approximately doubled.

Such changes are atypical for pyrocarbon. Even neutron bombardment with ~1019 n/cm2 does not produce changes of more than 5 %.

Over time the changes taking place in electrical resistance varied from +100% to -100% following sine law.

In addition, we discovered a reduction in the electrical resistance of the silicon semiconductor purity from 105 Ω cm to 104 Ω cm and a loss of high temperature superconductivity in samples after pyramid field exposure.
Graphite scientific research institute

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Professor V.I. Kostikov, Dr. A.S. Katasonov.

Research into the effect of the pyramid field on the electrical resistance of carbon materials.

The research object was pyrolytic carbon obtained by precipitating the products of methane pyrolysis on a graphite liner at a temperature of ~2100°C.

Measurements were taken by four-probe method on direct current under normal conditions
Research into the effect of the pyramid field on the electrical resistance of carbon materials.
Sheet size ~25×10×1mm, distance between the potential contacts ~3mm with a measuring current density of ~1500mA/cm2.

Before exposure to a pyramid field the electrical resistance was measured at ~5–7μΩ m. After 24 hour pyramid field exposure the electrical resistance approximately doubled.

Such changes are atypical for pyrocarbon. Even neutron bombardment with ~10E-19 n/cm2 does not produce changes of more than 5 %.

Over time the changes taking place in electrical resistance varied from +100% to -100% following sine law.

In addition, we discovered a reduction in the electrical resistance of the silicon semiconductor purity from 10E-5 Ω cm to 10E-4 Ω cm and a loss of high temperature superconductivity in samples after pyramid field exposure.

Professor A.G. Antonov, head of the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Department, Russian Research Centre of Obstetricsand Gynaecology, (Russian Medical Academy of Sciences)

We studied the effect of a 40% glucose solution intravenously as well as distilled water applied externally both after pyramid field exposure.

The patients were newborns with serious pathologies.

Objectivation was achieved by analyzing the Immediate State Index (ISI), which reflects the state of the patient's sympatho-adrenal system.

Data on 20 patients was analysed.

In all cases, even in patients with very low indices close to zero, after the administration of 1ml of the 40% glucose solution the ISI rose substantially practically to normal levels.

The same happened after the external application of 1ml of water that had been exposed to the pyramid field.
Professor A.G. Antonov, head of the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Department, Russian Research Centre of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, (Russian Medical Academy of Sciences)

We studied the effect of a 40% glucose solution intravenously as well as distilled water applied externally both after pyramid field exposure.

The patients were newborns with serious pathologies
 pyramid field exposure
Objectivation was achieved by analyzing the Immediate State Index (ISI), which reflects the state of the patient's sympatho-adrenal system.

Data on 20 patients was analysed.

In all cases, even in patients with very low indices close to zero, after the administration of 1ml of the 40% glucose solution the ISI rose substantially practically to normal levels.

The same happened after the external application of 1ml of water that had been exposed to the pyramid field.

The Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics


For periods of between 3 and 21 days mice received a daily addition to their drinking water of a 10% solution of table salt that had been exposed to the field of a 22-metre pyramid and three times a week the animals were dipped in the same solution.

A control group of mice were dipped in ordinary water and given a 10% solution of salt that had not been exposed to a pyramid field.

This experiment employed the principle of blind control: the laboratory staff assessing the condition of the mice did not know which group had been given the pyramid salt and which the ordinary salt.

It emerged that the pyramid field exposed solution considerably reduces the effect of stress.

The indicator of this was the lymphocyte count of the thymus gland, which is known to fall sharply with stress.

The mice that had received the salty water from the pyramid and been dipped in it showed almost no sign of stress.
The Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics


For periods of between 3 and 21 days mice received a daily addition to their drinking water of a 10% solution of table salt that had been exposed to the field of a 22-metre pyramid and three times a week the animals were dipped in the same solution.

A control group of mice were dipped in ordinary water and given a 10% solution of salt that had not been exposed to a pyramid field.
A control group of mice were dipped in ordinary water and given a 10% solution of salt that had not been exposed to a pyramid field
This experiment employed the principle of blind control: the laboratory staff assessing the condition of the mice did not know which group had been given the pyramid salt and which the ordinary salt.

It emerged that the pyramid field exposed solution considerably reduces the effect of stress.

The indicator of this was the lymphocyte count of the thymus gland, which is known to fall sharply with stress.

The mice that had received the salty water from the pyramid and been dipped in it showed almost no sign of stress.

The All-Russian (Lenin) Electro-Technical Institute

Research into the effect of a pyramid field on the electrical field of a long ROD-SURFACE air-gap under pulsed positive voltage of 250/2500 μs.

The basic set-up was a ROD-SURFACE air-gap with an inter-electrode spacing of S = 5.0 metres.

The experimental set-up was the same, except that placed on the SURFACE, circumscribing a circle with a diameter of 1 metre at a distance of 0.5 metres from the CENTRE, were 7 pieces of granite, each weighing 100 g that had been exposed to a pyramid field.

100 voltage impulses were applied to each of the set-ups. The discharge trajectories as well as the surface impact points were recorded. Based on the results a plot of the impact points was produced. The discharge voltage throughout the experiments was ~1400 kV.

As a result of the study it was reliably established that the number of surface impact points inside the circle in the basic set-up was 5 times higher than in the experimental set-up.

Conclusion: the outline made up of pieces of stone exposed to a pyramid field has powerful properties protecting the part of the surface inside it against damage from electrical discharge impacts.
The All-Russian (Lenin) Electro-Technical Institute

Research into the effect of a pyramid field on the electrical field of a long ROD-SURFACE air-gap under pulsed positive voltage of 250/2500 μs.

The basic set-up was a ROD-SURFACE air-gap with an inter-electrode spacing of S = 5.0 metres.

The experimental set-up was the same, except that placed on the SURFACE, circumscribing a circle with a diameter of 1 metre at a distance of 0.5 metres from the CENTRE, were 7 pieces of granite, each weighing 100 g that had been exposed to a pyramid field
Research into the effect of a pyramid field on the electrical field of a long ROD-SURFACE
100 voltage impulses were applied to each of the set-ups. The discharge trajectories as well as the surface impact points were recorded. Based on the results a plot of the impact points was produced. The discharge voltage throughout the experiments was ~1400 kV.

As a result of the study it was reliably established that the number of surface impact points inside the circle in the basic set-up was 5 times higher than in the experimental set-up.

Conclusion: the outline made up of pieces of stone exposed to a pyramid field has powerful properties protecting the part of the surface inside it against damage from electrical discharge impacts.
On the effectiveness of the use of quartz crystal structured "energy water".

The main focus was on the processes associated with the sensory properties of the human organism as a biological system in general, as well as the reaction of living cells, in particular to external electromagnetic signals generated by the biosphere.

Biological systems, including humans, are complex water systems that function by metabolism in a state of dynamic equilibrium and respond subtly to external electromagnetic influences.

Water is one of the most widely used human food products. Altering the structural makeup of this important food product and researching the effect such alterations have on the state of the human biological system is a very important task, both in theoretical and applied aspects.

The aim of the study was to research changes in the structure of serum from the blood system of healthy as well as sick people (coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic hepatitis, etc.) under the influence of crystal water (structured by quartz crystals).

Blood serum is a biocolloid which is 90% water. The crystallograms obtained in the experiment show that the introduction of water, structured with pyramid field exposed quartz crystals as well as water exposed to a pyramid field, in the blood serum of sick people contributes to the normalization of the structure of this biocolloid (blood).

On the basis of the experimental data, it can be suggested that the structured water can be used for bio-correction of metabolic reactions (processes) occurring in the human body.

On the effectiveness of the use of quartz crystal structured "energy water".

The main focus was on the processes associated with the sensory properties of the human organism as a biological system in general, as well as the reaction of living cells, in particular to external electromagnetic signals generated by the biosphere.

Biological systems, including humans, are complex water systems that function by metabolism in a state of dynamic equilibrium and respond subtly to external electromagnetic influences.

Water is one of the most widely used human food products. Altering the structural makeup of this important food product and researching the effect such alterations have on the state of the human biological system is a very important task, both in theoretical and applied aspects.

The aim of the study was to research changes in the structure of serum from the blood system of healthy as well as sick people (coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic hepatitis, etc.) under the influence of crystal water (structured by quartz crystals).

Blood serum is a biocolloid which is 90% water. The crystallograms obtained in the experiment show that the introduction of water, structured with pyramid field exposed quartz crystals as well as water exposed to a pyramid field, in the blood serum of sick people contributes to the normalization of the structure of this biocolloid (blood).

On the basis of the experimental data, it can be suggested that the structured water can be used for bio-correction of metabolic reactions (processes) occurring in the human body.

For more information read "Pyramids. Legacy of the Gods" by Valery Uvarov
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