According to a project of Valery Uvarov and Dmitry Makarov
Office pyramid, strengthening the immune system, slowing down aging processes, stimulating creative activity and increasing efficiency.
Pyramid-shaped home-office building. Western facade.
Northern facade.
Eastern facade.
Southern facade.
View of the roof (roof terrace).
The pyramid design was carried out in collaboration with architecture and construction company OOO "GradoStroyProekt"
The pyramid design was carried out in collaboration with architecture and construction company OOO "GradoStroyProekt"
General view of the object, entrance area and entry to the subterranean garage (axonometry).
Side view.
Entrance and entry to the subterranean garage.
General view of the ground floor and staircase leading to the first floor.
General view of the premises of the first floor and staircase leading to the second floor into the room for relaxation and meditation, which can also be called the room of ideas.
If you decide to build a pyramid or an office in the shape of a pyramid, here you are on the right track. Write or call, and together we will create something truly remarkable, something that will surely change the quality of your life for the better.
+7 901 301 81 07 +7 964 333 29 36
Moskovsky pr. 78-2, St.Petersburg
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The use of this content or part of the content from this site in any way other than personal acquaintance is possible only with the written permission of Valery M. Uvarov